
'I only knew his warped version of reality'

Before the beginning of friends and family week tonight on MAFS, one of Adrian's 'friends' has come forward saying she was on the wrong side of the story.

MAFS family reunions: More drama than a soap opera

Ah, Adrian and Awhina. The couple that’s somehow gone from good, to bad, to worse, has somehow slid down even further into disastrous territory.

Adrian and Awhina have, from the beginning of this year’s series of MAFS, been one of the most tumultuous off again, on again couples - perhaps second only to whatever is going on with Jacqui and Ryan, yikes.

But, what started as a divide around whether or not Adrian was ready to jump into a father role for Awhina’s 6-year-old son, has evolved into an entirely different one around whether Adrian is ready for a relationship at all.

This week, for friends and family week, the truth is set to come out, but after one of Adrian’s ‘friends’ has come out and spoken against him, it seems we’ll all have to take tonight’s episode with a grain of salt.

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Image: Nine.
Image: Nine.

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It all started with a promo

If you haven’t kept up with last week’s episodes of MAFS, or you, like the producers, have been far too enveloped in Jacqui and Ryan’s cooked storyline, here’s a little recap on the Awhina and Adrian situation.

After being involved in the beginning of a cheating scandal the week before, which saw Adrian connected to Sierah in a few compromising scenarios, sh*t well and truly hit the fan this week when it was revealed that Adrian decided to abandon Awhina because *checks notes* he wasn’t chosen to be involved in a Channel 9 promo. Yeah, read that again. It’s just as ridiculous as it sounds.

Awhina was shown re-entering their apartment after the day of shoots to an empty room, Adrian’s ring on the counter, and a text asking HER to pack his things.

However, he made a shock return, and the two proceeded to enter the subsequent dinner party separately, where it was then exposed to the group that not only had he ghosted Awhina entirely after her attempts to spark a conversation, he was actually out for dinner WITH SIERAH!

Of course, this ended up going poorly for everyone, with Sierah and fan-favourite Billy ultimately copping it the most, both writing leave at last night’s commitment ceremony and exiting the experiment.

Though Awhina also wrote leave (obviously, as she should), Adrian wrote stay, meaning they’re having to stick it out through friends and family week.

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The preview at the end of last night’s episode, for the first time in a while, had Adrian and Awhina at the forefront, showing a blow up between Adrian’s friends, and Awhina’s twin Cleo.

However, in the lead up to tonight’s episode airing, one of these friends has spoken out, denouncing Adrian’s actions entirely.

Jasmin Weston is a food influencer and cookbook author, who also happens to be a close friend of Adrian's - to the point where the two share a now-private foodie TikTok account called @sweeetsundayz.

Jasmin, who can be seen in last night’s previews defending Adrian’s actions and ultimately leaving the table following a dispute with Cleo over it , has taken to her TikTok page @jasminseats ahead of tonight’s episode to clear the air.

Image: TikTok / @jasminseats, Nine.
Image: TikTok / @jasminseats, Nine.

“I wish my rose coloured glasses weren’t on”

The statement, posted shortly after last night’s episode concluded to her Stories, said she not only regretted what she had said, but also said she’s since apologised for her stance to Awhina and Cleo directly.

“Okay, let’s talk…” she wrote.

“Over the next couple of nights you are going to watch me (regretfully) defend Adrian in MAFS. I take full responsibility for my actions and the things I say during that interaction. It is not at all the best version of myself and I have since reached out to Awhina and Cleo to apologise.”

Jasmin clarified that she and Adrian are no longer speaking, saying she wished she’d had the ability to see both sides at the time

“As you all know, Adrian and I are no longer friends,” she said.

“Watching Adrian argue with Awhina is like having deja vu. But during the time this was filmed (6 months ago), I was still very much so Adrian’s best friend. I only knew his (warped) version of reality. Not Awhina’s. I can be a reactive person and will always come to my friends defence in any situation which is what you will see unfold.”

She also said that the way Adrian spoke to Awhina was reminiscent of how she herself was treated.

“Now being on the outside looking in, I can understand exactly how and why Awhina had those feelings towards Adrian. Because it was no different to our friendship,” she wrote.

“The manipulation tactics are copy and paste. Hence why I ended the friendship and Sweet Sundayz at the end of last year.”Jasmin ended the statement apologising to Awhina and Cleo, hoping that viewers of tonight’s episode are able to see through it all.

“This is not at all an excuse. I would just like to speak my truth before the ep goes live,” she said.

“I wish I sympathised with Awhina more, I wish my rose coloured glasses weren’t on and I am very glad Adrian no longer has a chapter in my life.

“Awhina and Cleo, again, I am sorry for the things I say and Awhina you have my support in this all.”

So, it looks like no one is on Adrian’s side after all.

Originally published as 'I only knew his warped version of reality'

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