
‘Farmer Wants a Wife is turning into another MAFS… so much bulls**t drama’

“It used to be so nice… they proved it could be successful without naked farmers and awkward bath scenes,” one angry fan said of the formerly wholesome show.

Farmer Wants a Wife is turning into MAFS

The scenery is idyllic. A wholesome farmer swings his legs over the side of a wooden dock over still water.

Dragonflies flit from lily pad to lily pad. The farmer brushes a fly from his face and smiles nervously at the woman sitting next to him.

Every season of Farmer Wants a Wife has been like this, and it’s the slow charm that’s had us all hooked since the show first aired in 2007.

But Farmer, you’ve changed.

Whether it’s the bizarre text to Farmer Dean that ended with Teegan in tears, or a group of women getting in an argument while Farmer Joe is sitting in a bathtub with Chelsea, it’s just a lot more than we ever bargained for.

How many different women can Farmer Joe sit in bathtubs with anyway?

“Farmer used to be such a lovely show to watch. Now it’s like watching MAFS,” one person commented on a recent Instagram post.

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Fans said Farmer Wants a Wife was turning into another MAFS. Photo: Instagram
Fans said Farmer Wants a Wife was turning into another MAFS. Photo: Instagram

Farmer Wants a Wife is becoming like MAFS

The former fan of the show was complaining about all the unnecessary drama spoiling what used to be such an honest, respectable hour of television.

“There’s so much bulls**t drama,” the viewer continued.

“Not liking this season,” wrote another former fan. “Please return to the good old days.”

RELATED: Farmer Bert on getting his heart broken

Parents talked about how the show used to be innocent enough to watch with children.

"This whole season is awkward to watch," one person said. "We used to watch it with our kids and now we can’t watch it with them."

The Farmer Instagram posts are full of fans disappointed in the dramatic turn the show has taken.

RELATED: The Farmer anonymous text that no one wanted

RELATED: Farmer Bert’s tearful monologue

Farmer Wants a Wife 2024: not suitable for children. Photo: Seven
Farmer Wants a Wife 2024: not suitable for children. Photo: Seven

In one video where Farmer Joe is caught with a woman in a bathtub (remember, it happened before tonight), the commenters were shocked.

“This was the only reality show on TV with dignity and genuine respect for the process of finding love and a future for someone that could be a life commitment,” one person said.

“All that seems to have changed and sadly it’s now turned into another poorly produced reality show that’s lost its class.

“Last night’s episode really highlight its demise into a tacky and awkward show.

“It was such a nice show and previous years have proven its success without naked farmers and awkward bath scenes.”

Originally published as ‘Farmer Wants a Wife is turning into another MAFS… so much bulls**t drama’

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