
James Weir recaps Married At First Sight episode 27: MAFS wife’s sex issue

A MAFS wife grapples with her husband’s revelation about their sex life. James Weir recaps.

‘Too ugly to r**t’ MAFS wife’s sex issue

A Married At First Sight wife worries she’s “too ugly to r**t” and confronts her husband about his low sex drive on Tuesday night – a humiliating move that leads to a surprising climax … just not the kind she’s hoping for.

But the episode’s second-hand embarrassment doesn’t stop there.

An insult is hurled and immediately backtracked with a lame excuse that involves a Merriam-Webster dictionary. Then an egomaniac husband throws a tantrum at the mere suggestion he should consider being a stay-at-home dad and toss away his “legacy” in the cutthroat “stormwater” industry.

JAMES WEIR:Read all the recaps here

Everything is going according to plan during Couple Swap Week – a challenge designed by the experts to spark drama and resentments. The antagonising continues.

Remember the secret letters everyone wrote last night? Turns out, they now must read them to their spouses.

Uh-oh. When Paul wrote that his wife Carina is a snob, he didn’t think he’d actually have to say it to her face. He thought he could just be respectful and talk trash behind her back, like a normal husband.

C’mon Paul. Big loud voice! Picture: Channel 9.
C’mon Paul. Big loud voice! Picture: Channel 9.

MORE: Gross reality of MAFS revealed

He begins reading the letter aloud slowly, trying to delay the moment where he slags her off. In a gorgeous example of tremendously bad acting, he stumbles and pretends to lose his place before skipping over the whole section where he calls Carina a snob for the way she described Awhina’s family as trash.

He thinks he has successfully sidestepped a landmine. But later, when he accidentally leaves the letter lying around, Carina picks it up and reads the offensive prose.

Hi snobatron. Picture: Channel 9.
Hi snobatron. Picture: Channel 9.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Jacqui is reading her letter to Ryan. In it, she muses poetically about her husband’s fragile ego and how he should get comfortable with the idea of being a stay-at-home dad because he’s poor.

“I’m concerned that you financially contribute less than I will because I’m not convinced you have enough financial skills,” she says. “And I’m concerned that I will be the primary breadwinner.”

Ryan is appalled at the thought of being a househusband. How offensive! He’s a high-flying player in the competitive stormwater industry!

“Being a stay-at-home dad is not what I’m going to do with my life,” he fumes.

“You know what I want to do with my life and (being) a stay-at-home dad is the most ridiculous thing! Since the age of 18 I’ve worked full-time in operations, sales, in management … and stormwater! I want to leave a legacy!”

Yeah, Jacqui! If you’re lucky, your future kid could be the heir to a stormwater empire!

Jacqui, please show some respect for the esteemed stormwater industry. Picture: Channel 9.
Jacqui, please show some respect for the esteemed stormwater industry. Picture: Channel 9.

Speaking of things that are going down the drain: my arch nemesis Jamie and my boyfriend Dave.

Turns out, they’re not having sex. She wants it but he doesn’t.

This whole storyline is supercharged by producers with some heavy-handed foreshadowing of a brewing connection between Dave and the new intruder bride Veronica.

Jamie’s co-star Adrian offers some helpful advice from the book of Jack Berger: he’s just not that into you.

“I’m gonna give you some hard truths,” he says, before mumbling something about how Dave mustn’t be attracted to her and, if he were matched with a supermodel, he’d probably be keen to have sex more often. “I’m just layin’ out the hard facts.”

Jamie has some nuanced thoughts about this constructive criticism.

“He’s pretty much telling me I’m too ugly to r**t,” she says. “This is a hard thought to ponder. But I appreciate him being honest.”

There’s only one thing to do: Confront Dave on national television about why he won’t have sex with her.

“It’s not a massive part of who I am … the sex life sorta thing,” he says. “I have not been a fully sexually expressive person throughout my life. People’s sex drives are different and people get in their heads and it’s not easy for some people to express it like it is to you!”

She continues to badger him about their lack of … badgering.

“The sex? It’s not a 10-out-of-10 for me. It’s not that important to me,” he says. “I’m not all about the sex every day. I’m not there yet! You’re in a different spot to I am! You said you love me six weeks into this! I’m not there! I’m not there!”

Sooo … we’re guessing this televised intervention isn’t exactly boosting the libido?

I would never humiliate my boyfriend Dave on TV like this. Picture: Channel 9.
I would never humiliate my boyfriend Dave on TV like this. Picture: Channel 9.

Down the hall, Carina is ready to confront Paul about the snob clause he omitted from his letter.

His defence? Play dumb. And blame Merriam-Webster.

MAFS husband's lame excuse after insulting wife

“To be fair, I wasn’t 100 per cent sure of the exact meaning of [the word] snob,” he stammers. “ … But I just knew it was a bit of a strong word … Well, like, I DO know the meaning of the word snob, but a part of me was like, is snob an insult? Is it not an insult?”

He’s gurgling up more crap than one of Ryan’s blocked stormwater drains.

Facebook: @hellojamesweir

Originally published as James Weir recaps Married At First Sight episode 27: MAFS wife’s sex issue

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