Staggering number of properties MPs own
As the Greens gear up to fight Labor over negative gearing and investment property tax concessions, the party’s own housing portfolio is coming under scrutiny.
As the Greens gear up to fight Labor over negative gearing and investment property tax concessions, the party’s own housing portfolio is coming under scrutiny.
As the Greens gear up to fight Labor over negative gearing and investment property tax concessions, the party’s own housing portfolio is coming under scrutiny.
The year of 2024 will decide the future for 3 billion people worldwide – and whether it’s “end times” for civilisation as we know it.
A New York court delivered a crushing blow Friday to Donald Trump’s wallet — here’s what the $544 million fraud ruling means for him.
The ex-wife of Barnaby Joyce has revealed how her shift to bodybuilding was never about getting a ‘revenge body’.
Australia’s central bank is set for a major overhaul after a wide-ranging review outlined key areas where the bank needed to change.
Independent senator David Pocock has flagged another push to axe the stage 3 tax cuts to increase the JobSeeker allowance.
A war-of-words has erupted after WA Premier Mark McGowan was caught in a hot-mic scandal on his first day in China.
The opposition leader must refocus and stop talking about one issue that has become a distraction for the party, outgoing Liberal Karen Andrews says.
Anthony Albanese says he expects more Australians to side with his ‘positive’ campaign than will endorse the Opposition Leader for his ‘wallowing negativity’.
A claim the upcoming Voice could spell the end of public holidays such as Anzac Day has been put to the test in a fiery interview with Barnaby Joyce.
A CEO has sparked outrage after a major act of hypocrisy, with her receiving a $1.2 million bonus while her 8000 employees got nothing.
Peter Dutton is dealing with yet another hole in his leadership team as another senior Liberal plans to take a seat on the back bench.
Anthony Albanese has tersely rejected an accusation laid against him by Peter Dutton during his controversial visit to Alice Springs.
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