
Full details revealed as Mt Wellington Cableway Company DA goes out for public comment

Want to have a meal at the restaurant proposed as part of the Mt Wellington cable car development? You’ll need to show your cable car ticket first. All the details have been laid bare with the full release of the DA for the first time. SEE WHAT’S INSIDE>>

Mt Wellington cable car proposal animation 2019

MORE than 1300 pages of documents relating to the much anticipated Mt Wellington cable car development application are now available to be viewed, including a last minute Aboriginal heritage survey labelled “insulting.”

After an almost two year process, the Hobart City Council confirmed last week that all information requested from the Mt Wellington Cableway Company to complete its application had been received and reviewed.

Reports vary from bushfire assessments, geotechnical assessments and an economic impact report prepared by economist Saul Eslake five years ago.

The planning report by local firm Ireneinc Planning and Urban Design confirmed the proposed cableway would span 2.4km from the base station to the new pinnacle centre transporting two cabins, each with a maximum capacity of 80 people.

Mt Wellington cable car images taken from DA released May 24, 2021.
Mt Wellington cable car images taken from DA released May 24, 2021.

The report also revealed the restaurant at the summit would be open during the evening, but only to cable car ticket holders with a booking.

However, the company’s community benefits analysis report clarified that all bookings for the restaurant in the evening would include free tickets on the cable car in an effort to reduce road usage at night.

A separate cafe would be open from 8am to 5pm.

The documents show the development is anticipated to attract just under 471,000 customers a year and while visitation to the summit would likely increase, the average number of vehicles using Pinnacle Road each day would reduce from 730 to 285.

The DA also includes the proposed partial demolition of the existing observation shelter at the summit.

An Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report by South Australian consulting archaeologist Nic Grguric of Frontier Heritage Consulting was completed on May 14.

According to the report, an archaeological field survey was done in late April around the proposed development areas and found there were not any Aboriginal heritage sites within that footprint.

“All six of the survey areas were notable for the total absence of suitable raw material for making knapped stone tools,” the survey found.

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre campaign manager Nala Mansell said “proper” Aboriginal heritage surveys were designed to capture the physical, spiritual and historical significance of specific areas.

Mt Wellington cable car images taken from DA released May 24, 2021. Viewpoint from Rosny Hill lookout.
Mt Wellington cable car images taken from DA released May 24, 2021. Viewpoint from Rosny Hill lookout.

“It’s an absolute insult the company would ignore the wishes of the Aboriginal community and our calls to leave kunanyi alone and to go outside of the state to get someone to support their development,” she said.

“You can’t fly in and claim to understand the significance and sacredness of the site to the local community. It’s a whole sacred landscape – just looking for stone tools is not adequate.”

Residents Opposed to the Cable Car spokesman Vica Bayley said the group would take the week to consider the documents before providing a full analysis and beginning to prepare a formal representation to council.

Mr Bayley said the group would also look to host submission writing evenings and a public meeting in the coming weeks in an effort to encourage the public to have their say on the development.

Public comment on the application closes on June 22, with council expected to consider it in July.

An independent assessment panel that was established by the council will continue to assess the planning application in full and prepare recommendations for consideration by the elected members.

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