Push for $26 a day boost for Aussies
The Australian Council of Social Services has urged the government to lift the Jobseeker rate in line with the aged pension.
The Australian Council of Social Services has urged the government to lift the Jobseeker rate in line with the aged pension.
A fresh fight is looming between Labor and the Greens, this time over changes to tax on massive super balances.
Australia’s grim economic outlook has been revealed, with the federal budget tipped to have its sharpest retraction since covid.
A report into the cost-of-living crisis facing households says they are worse off now than two years ago, with pleas for Anthony Albanese to call an urgent meeting.
The Australian sharemarket has closed out the week on a record high as investors position themselves for imminent US Federal Reserve rate cuts.
The benchmark ASX200 has flown close to record highs on Thursday following a huge night of trading on Wall St.
A disturbing inequality between one group of Aussies and everyone else has been highlighted in a new report.
There’s a growing crisis in Australia’s trucking industry, and shoppers everywhere will be the losers.
Mining stocks have weighed down the sharemarket again this week, with the benchmark ASX200 dipping into the red on Wednesday.
Aussies will be richer with the arrival of Stage 3 tax cuts, but experts are warning the boost could trigger higher inflation and send mortgage payments soaring.
It’s been a difficult few months for business in Australia and there’s no end in sight, with turnover down for the month of May.
It’s been a dark few years for Aussie renters, but experts say vacancy rates across the market are easing slightly.
The sharemarket has started the week on a low note after a retreat in iron ore and oil prices over the weekend.
Demand in Australia’s housing market could be easing off, with a shock fall in new lending commitments.
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/business/economy/federal-budget/page/14