How to spot a dodgy investment
A guaranteed 8 per cent return on a $10,000 investment sounds like a dream come true, but in reality it could cause you one hell of a financial hangover. Here’s how to spot a fake.
A guaranteed 8 per cent return on a $10,000 investment sounds like a dream come true, but in reality it could cause you one hell of a financial hangover. Here’s how to spot a fake.
Keeping your family’s finances safe could be as easy as a trip to Bunnings, saving time and heartache when life goes astray, writes the Barefoot Investor.
The RBA has announced a record low rate cut that is expected to stick around, which means it’s the perfect time to shoot for a better rate on your loan, writes Barefoot Investor. Here’s how.
Just because we’re facing a recession, doesn’t mean you should be selling yourself short when it comes to getting a pay rise — you never know when that spare cash could come in handy, writes the Barefoot Investor.
WANTING to get into business with your ex-girlfriend — in the hope of winning her back — is not a sound path to success, writes Barefoot Investor.
ONCE a week, for the next four weeks, Barefoot Investor is offering his Date Night Challenges to help you manage your money.
A COUPLE needs to have a “date night” to sort out their finances and decide whether they want to share their money or separate, writes Barefoot Investor.
MAKING your money work for you is still the best way forward, writes the Barefoot Investor.
WELCOME to the Fogey Awards for 2016 — the annual awards celebrating the characters who’ve managed to put a bit of showbiz into the all-too-sensible world of investing. writes Barefoot Investor.
GET yourself into a good financial state instead of letting institutions exploit your emotions for their own gain, writes the Barefoot Investor.
IT’S almost one week to Christmas and you haven’t bought any presents for your loved ones. Don’t fret, Barefoot Investor has the answer — books.
FOLLOW the right strategy and you can get an early super payout for a terminal medical condition so you can have more family time, writes the Barefoot Investor.
AFTER 12 years of being in the spotlight, Barefoot Investor has a PhD in dealing with haters. Here’s what he has learned about dealing with doubters.
IT’S time to look at sorting out a financial mess by getting out of a marriage to a little boy who can’t be trusted with a credit card, writes Barefoot Investor.
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