
Toowoomba truckie Geoffrey Alan Graham, 52, stalks and harasses young woman for years

In every girl’s worst nightmare, a thoughtless creep terrifyingly stalked and surveilled a young woman for years after only meeting her once.

Geoffrey Alan Graham, 52, outside Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Tuesday October 15, 2024. Picture: The Chronicle
Geoffrey Alan Graham, 52, outside Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Tuesday October 15, 2024. Picture: The Chronicle

From an unsolicited Facebook friend request to being followed home night after night, a young woman lived a years long waking nightmare at the hands of her perverted stalker.

Toowoomba truck driver Geoffrey Alan Graham stalked and terrified a young woman and her family over two years after meeting her once at a dental check up in October 2021, Toowoomba Magistrates Court has heard.

The 52-year-old pleaded guilty to the unlawful stalking, intimidation, harassment and abuse of his former health practitioner on Tuesday which began with an unwelcomed Facebook friend request in December 2021.

Graham then went on to send flowers to her office, incessantly request access to, message and comment on her social media, as well as contact her family despite being asked multiple times to cease all interactions.

Geoffrey Alan Graham, 52, outside Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Tuesday October 15, 2024. Picture: The Chronicle
Geoffrey Alan Graham, 52, outside Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Tuesday October 15, 2024. Picture: The Chronicle

“He sent her mother a message… (it read), ‘What’s that beautiful daughter of yours doing?’,” prosecution said.

“He liked four of the victim’s Instagram posts and commented ‘beautiful’.”

On another occasion, he sent $500 to the victim and her sister for a fundraising event; neither woman had advertised their participation in the event nor was it public knowledge.

In March of this year, he was spotted lurking around the victim’s horse agistment when her sister discovered a frightening image on his phone.

“The victim’s sister also told the victim, when talking to the man, she observed a photo of the victim used as a wallpaper,” prosecution said.

“He (later told police) he got that from the victim’s company website.”

Fearing for her safety, the victim installed cameras in her home and witnessed Graham driving past the residence more than five times in one week.

He also followed her on at least two occasions, once stalking her to her parents home several towns over.

The victim never directly shared any personal information with Graham who parked outside her office to identify her car.

Defence solicitor Sarah Churches-Kennedy from Donnelly Law Group said Graham suffered with anxiety and depression and multiple health conditions including Klinefelter syndrome, a condition which can affect testicular growth.

“He struggles with social interactions and relationships,” Ms Churches-Kennedy said.

“(When sending money) he believed he was being nice and being friendly.”

Ms Churches-Kennedy said the victim had treated Graham with kindness at their meeting which she argued sparked his offending.

“He meant no harm to her, however he does acknowledge nonetheless that it is inappropriate behaviour and has no part in society.”

Magistrate Mark Howden labelled Graham’s behaviour as “worrying”.

“(It was) strange and concerning and downright creepy behaviour over a period of time which would have caused great distress,” he said.

“If you felt in some way she was responding to this then you were very wrong … she had no interest in you other than initially in a professional context.

“People, particularly women, in circumstances such as this must be protected from the activities of people such as yourself.”

Graham was sentenced to two years probation with no conviction recorded due to a lack of criminal history.

A five year restraining order, prohibiting Graham from contacting and coming within 500 metres of the victim, was also granted.

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