
Toowoomba caseworks help sexual abuse victims access National Redress Scheme

Sexual abuse survivors across the Darling Downs will have a new service to help them access financial compensation under the National Redress Scheme that’s designed to monetarily assist up to 60,000 Australians.

Organisations refusing to join the National Redress Scheme 'should do the right thing'

Sexual abuse survivors across the Darling Downs will have a new service to help them access financial compensation under the National Redress Scheme that’s designed to monetarily assist up to 60,000 Australians.

In order to help them, the TASC Legal and Social Justice Service has established a specialised casework team.

Already people are coming forward after suffering abuse at the hands of priests, teachers, community leaders and employers.

TASC CEO Frances Klaassen said the Redress Support Service caseworkers would help victims access counselling, a redress payment or a direct personal response, like an apology, from the institution.

TASC National CEO Frances Klaassen launched a new service to help vistims of institutional sexual abuse access the National Redress Scheme. Picture: Kevin Farmer
TASC National CEO Frances Klaassen launched a new service to help vistims of institutional sexual abuse access the National Redress Scheme. Picture: Kevin Farmer

“Delving into deeply personal and emotionally sensitive issues can be confronting. TASC understands this and has a focus on meeting each individual applicant’s need around how they can be best supported through their application process,” she said.

“Through our work in the community we understand accessing schemes like Redress is often difficult both from an emotional perspective as well as having to navigate complex systems.”

About 300 institutions have signed up to the scheme that was launched following recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Sexual Abuse.

TASC does not have a clear estimate of how many people in its service area would qualify for the scene, but it is working on the assumption the numbers will be proportional to the wider population.

Its Redress Support Service is the first of its kind in the Darling Downs.

“Using a person-centred approach for clients engaging with the Redress Scheme, our case workers will be there to provide support, information and advice based on a person’s circumstances so they’re able to make informed choices about which areas of Redress to pursue,” Ms Klassen said.

“If you believe you’re eligible or know someone who might be eligible for redress but are unsure I would encourage you to talk with us or to visit our website to find out more information.”

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