
Ben Kevin Morrison’s double finger salute to cops brings a spray and community service

The 25-year-old held up the middle finger of each hand to a police patrol who didn’t take kindly to the gesture.

Ben Kevin Morrison gave a two finger salute to police during a night in Toowoomba’s CBD. Photo Facebook.
Ben Kevin Morrison gave a two finger salute to police during a night in Toowoomba’s CBD. Photo Facebook.

A Gatton man copped a spray after giving a two finger salute to a police patrol during a night out in Toowoomba’s CBD.

Ben Kevin Morrison, 25, flicked the middle finger of each hand to a police patrol on Margaret St outside The Cube about 3am on May 1, Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard.

When police went over and spoke with him about his behaviour, he became verbally abusive, telling police the gesture was a joke and that they were a “massive joke” by responding, police prosecutor Sergeant Jacquelyn Miller told the court.

The 25-year-old became verbally abusive, calling police “f***ing stupid” and telling them “Don’t p*** me off”, she said.

Eventually arrested for his behaviour, Morrison struggled when being placed in the police van, putting his feet up against the vehicle and pushing back.

He had to be placed onto the ground to be handcuffed but kept struggling to the point he was capsicum sprayed, Sgt Miller said.

Morrison pleaded guilty to public nuisance within the vicinity of a licensed premises and obstructing police.

His solicitor Paul Emmerson told the court his client was a “bit of a larrikin” and believed at the time he was just “mucking around”.

However, his client acknowledged his behaviour was “very immature” and that he wouldn’t be doing it again, he said.

“He said it was the kick in the a*** he needed to wake him up again,” Mr Emmerson submitted.

Magistrate Kay Ryan told Morrison “police have a hard enough a job to do”.

“You should be treating them with respect.”

Ms Ryan ordered Morrison to complete 60 hours of community service.

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