
Amanda Clare Jones pleads guilty to using carriage service to menace

A woman went to extreme lengths to elicit a response from her ex-husband in the lead up to her second marriage, including telling sending threatening messages to his employer and phoning him dozens of times in two days.

Amanda Clare Jones pleads guilty to using carriage service to menace.
Amanda Clare Jones pleads guilty to using carriage service to menace.

A woman with no relevant criminal history copped a verbal lashing from the magistrate after she phoned her ex-partner more than 60 times in two days.

On Monday the Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard Amanda Clare Jones had lost contact with her children after a messy divorce in 2012 but wanted them to be at her upcoming wedding to her new partner.

She had made several attempts to contact their father, who has custody of the children, but they fell on deaf ears so she went to extreme lengths to elicit a response.

Police prosecutor Leea Trewin said the woman made 39 calls on July 1 from 7pm onwards.

“There was audio from a movie from Home Alone, saying ‘Hey I am going to give you to the count of ten to get your yellow no-good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead,” Senior Constable Trewin said.

There were 24 calls made the next day.

Over two weeks the woman made multiple calls to her ex-husband’s personal and work phone and went so far as to post comments on his Facebook business Facebook page to make false claims that he was a child abuser.

The man went to police who identified the calls as coming from Jones and when interviewed by investigators, she made full admission of the offences.

This included sending emails to his employer.

Police charged Jones with one count of using a carriage service to menace and harass, to which she pleaded guilty on Monday.

In her defence, solicitor Ryan McCullough told court that Jones has a troubled upbringing and suffered from a range of mental health issues including post-traumatic stress disorder, though he could offer no documentation to back the claim.

He added that the offending happened in very specific circumstances that were unlikely to be repeated.

Magistrate Kay Ryan said it was appalling behaviour before Jones interrupted to say she agreed.

Ms Ryan cut the woman off, telling her to shut up because she had already had a chance to address the court.

“It does not matter who they are, you may not like them, you may really detest them but you don’t go to their employer,” she said.

“There are other ways of going about this.

Ms Ryan placed Jones on an $800 good behaviour bond for 12 months and recorded the conviction.

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