
Toowoomba Regional Council set to complete $15.4 million Queen’s Park upgrade in coming weeks

Upgraded playgrounds, accessible picnic facilities and improved pathways and lighting were just some plans in the $15.4 million Queen’s Park project. Now, there are eyes to future.

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A decade-long master plan is expected to reach completion in the coming weeks, with more than $15m spent.

Toowoomba Regional Council unveiled the Queens Park Master Plan in 2013, which would see upgrades to the site, including improved lighting, pathways and an all-abilities playground.

Toowoomba’s Annabelle and Shantelle Gwilliams are just two of the many who love and use the new upgrades to playground equipment at the heritage-listed park.

“The entire project has enhanced public facilities across Queens Park to create a quality community, regional recreation park with appropriate facilities, while conserving, enhancing and promoting the unique heritage values of the park,” Toowoomba Regional Council Parks and Recreation Services portfolio leader Tim McMahon said.

Construction of stage seven upgrades at Queens Park, corner of Hume and Margaret Sts, Friday, July 29, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Construction of stage seven upgrades at Queens Park, corner of Hume and Margaret Sts, Friday, July 29, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Stage seven, which is under way, was part of a $15.4m upgrade project by the Toowoomba Regional Council in conjunction with the Queensland Government’s Building our Regions fund.

The final stage was estimated to cost $1.1 million and is set to finish later this month.

“The latest stage includes the construction of an interpretative shelter, seating and signage based on Toowoomba’s heritage, barbecue facilities, drinking fountains, more bins, new garden beds and accessible picnic shelters,” Mr McMahon said.

Construction of stage seven upgrades at Queens Park, corner of Hume and Margaret Sts, Friday, July 29, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Construction of stage seven upgrades at Queens Park, corner of Hume and Margaret Sts, Friday, July 29, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer

“Council completed extensive community consultation in 2013 ahead of creating the Queens Park Master Plan. Detailed design work occurred in 2014 with the first stage of the improvement works undertaken in 2015.

“The Master Plan has upgraded two playgrounds (off Lindsay Street and Margaret Street), along with extensive path upgrades with access improvements, improved lighting, extensive landscaping, upgraded shelters with accessible picnic facilities, way-finding and interpretative signs, new park furniture, a designated dog off-leash area and City Safe security services.”

Annabelle Gwilliams (left) and her niece Brooklyn Gwilliams play on a swing in Queens Park, Saturday, July 30, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Annabelle Gwilliams (left) and her niece Brooklyn Gwilliams play on a swing in Queens Park, Saturday, July 30, 2022. Picture: Kevin Farmer

With the multimillion-dollar project almost complete, the council says the park will see minimum change over the next two decades.

Queens Park is heritage-listed and therefore the work allowed to be done is limited.

“Council has around 368 actively managed parks across the region, in addition to 567 open spaces and bushland parks,” Mr McMahon said.

“Council makes significant investments across the region’s parks in its annual budget plans.

“With these improved amenities, Queens Park will be able to host more community events, encourage additional visitors to the area and create even more local jobs for associated business.”

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