
Thong Van Ha, 43 and Duy The Do, 39, sentenced for part in illegal cannabis farm worth millions

Two people have been sentenced for their role in a major drug operation worth more than $20m, which police found tucked away in a quiet Queensland town.

(Photo by Nelson ALMEIDA / AFP)
(Photo by Nelson ALMEIDA / AFP)

Two men sentenced in connection to a Toowoomba region drug operation worth more than $20m are set to be deported to their home country.

Vietnamese citizens Thong Van Ha, 43, and Duy The Do, 39, were sentenced after pleading guilty in Toowoomba District Court on multiple charges including the production of dangerous drugs following the discovery of an illegal cannabis farm last year.

Crown prosecutor Nicole Friedewald told the court in excess of 340kg of cannabis plants were confiscated from a Wattle Ridge premises and a further 2.5kg of packaged cannabis was found inside a nearby home.

“The offending took place over three months and involved the production of a commercial quantity of cannabis,” Ms Friedewald said.

“When police executed a search warrant, 4049 cannabis plants were found.”

Both men were said to be working for principal offender Nam Van Nguyen on the property.

“They assisted in the construction of greenhouses and acted as crop sitters, cultivated and harvested crops within four greenhouses on the property and they also assisted in packaging the harvested cannabis,” Ms Friedewald said.

She advised the court both men, who did not speak English, had arrived in Australia illegally and were likely to be deported to Vietnam following the conclusion of the proceedings.

Barristers Tristan Carlos, on behalf of Mr Do, and Nathan Edridge for Mr Ha told the court their clients had experienced significant hardship since their arrest 301 days prior and were accepting of their wrong doing.

“It has been difficult for Mr Ha to be in custody in Australia for these 10 months but he is otherwise in good health,” Mr Edridge said.

“(Mr Do) has been unable to perform any programs in custody because he does not speak English and has spent his time on his own reading books,” Mr Carlos said.

Mr Carlos added Mr Do, who has a wife and three children in Vietnam, had yet to contact them regarding his offending.

“As far as they are aware he is still working in Australia,” he said.

“This has been stressful for him in his time in custody.”

Judge Horneman-Wren accepted the men would have likely struggled in prison.

“Prison is not an easy place to be as it is not intended to be an easy place,” he said.

“But I understand that for you it is more difficult than English speaking citizens or people; it is more lonely, more isolating, and that should be taken into account.”

However, he stressed such “large scale drug production” would not be tolerated.

“As a community we take drugs very seriously.”

“Drugs ruin lives.

“You were not the principal offenders, I do not know how you got drawn into this activity but you have been used by Mr Nguyen.”

The pair were charged with one count of producing a dangerous drug in excess of 500g, one count of possessing a dangerous drug in excess of 500g, one count possessing things used in connection with producing a dangerous drug in excess of 500g and one count possessing things for use in connection with producing a dangerous drug in excess of 500g.

They were given a suspended sentence of three years’ imprisonment with 301 days declared time served.

Both men were subject to immigration detention upon their release.

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