
Over 1100 pieces of art on display at 2021 Grammar Art Show

Grammar’s 2021 Art Show is set to be the school’s largest and most successful to date, here’s how you can catch a glimpse.

Grammar Art Show

There is a special, frenzied energy in the air at Toowoomba Grammar School as the wider community excitedly anticipate the official opening of the school’s 28th annual art show.

Taking place this weekend, this year’s Grammar Art Show will showcase the largest collection of works to date with a diverse range of 1160 pieces of paintings, sculptures and jewellery from 292 artists across Australia.

Grammar Art Show co-ordinator, Rebecca Statton said after last year’s show was forced to go online 10 days prior to the opening due to COVID restrictions, the wider Grammar community was looking forward to gathering once more and enjoy one of Toowoomba’s most anticipated cultural events in person.

SHOW STOPPER: Toowoomba art enthusiasts are waiting with bated breath as the Grammar School prepare for the official opening of their 28th annual art show this weekend. Grammar Art Show co-ordinator Rebecca Statton with works by the feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen
SHOW STOPPER: Toowoomba art enthusiasts are waiting with bated breath as the Grammar School prepare for the official opening of their 28th annual art show this weekend. Grammar Art Show co-ordinator Rebecca Statton with works by the feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen

“This is the first year we will have the online shop running concurrently with the art show, up until last year we’ve always just run the physical show but we’ve always received a lot of interest from around Australia and abroad so thanks to the measure we had to go to last year with COVID we can now cater to art enthusiasts outside of Toowoomba as well as the local community which is great,” she said.

“Thanks to a very clever Grammar student who quickly set up the website and got over 800 artworks online with the help of several volunteers the 2020 show ended up being one of our second most successful years to date as we managed to sell a total of $190,000 worth of art to buyers nationwide and from across the world.”

Grammar Art Show president Rebecca Statton with works by the feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen.
Grammar Art Show president Rebecca Statton with works by the feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen.

As well as a fantastic opportunity for the school’s P and F committee to raise funds for a number of projects, Mrs Statton said the art show was a way to give back to the community with a portion of funds raised from the event going towards the Toowoomba Hospice which provides free palliative and respite care for adults with a terminal illness.

“About forty per cent of the art work showcased in this year’s show comes from local artists across southeast Queensland with a number of Grammar teachers, parents and Old Boys’ works included and this year’s feature artist is Mel Simmonds who is based in Paddington and produces really vivid landscapes which are extremely popular,” she said.

Works by the Grammar Art Show feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen.
Works by the Grammar Art Show feature artist, Mel Simmonds. Picture: Nev Madsen.

Over the last three decades, the Grammar Art Show has become such a prestigious exhibition with artists from all over Australia nominating their work months in advance with over 30 artists already on the waiting list for next year’s show.

The Grammar Art Show isn’t just an exhibition, it’s a month-long festival of art, including the Art Trail, which provides a sneak peek of works at various locations around Toowoomba from March 1-23 and an exciting new event to be launched this year, Art Among Friends on Saturday, 27 March.

“While all of the events including opening night, the high tea and Art Among Friends has sold out there are plenty of opportunities for people to view the Grammar Art Show from 10am-5pm on Saturday or from 10am-4pm on Sunday with entry just $5,” Mrs Statton said.

A Grammar Art Show favourite, the beautiful pop-up coffee shop will be operating for people to sit back and relax with friends over both Saturday and Sunday with a number of Grammar students performing live music throughout both days.

You can also enjoy the Grammar Art Show and purchase pieces from the comfort of your home via the website:

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