
Jondaryan State School to celebrate 150 year anniversary

A long-standing Jondaryan family has spoken on their memories of a 150-year-old school ahead of the anniversary. Check out historic photos of the school’s life here.

School bids farewell to beloved teacher

As the 150-year anniversary of the Jondaryan State School nears, four generations of a family have reminisced on their attendance at the historic facility.

Gail Hannam nee Grundy, attended the school from 1954-1959 and remembered feeling anxious after being a correspondence school student, now known as distance education.

“I didn’t know what a head master was … I was scared of Mr Weber when he fired questions at me on my first day,” she said.

Mrs Hannam said her schooling experience changed once she was taught by Year 5 and 6 teacher Bernard Hammer.

“He was young and could be fun, he had a different way of teaching, but could still discipline the class,” she said.

Four generations of the Grundy family, Gail Hannam (nee Grundy), Russell Grundy, Anita Polzin (nee Grundy) and Miles Polzin have attended the Jondaryan State School. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied
Four generations of the Grundy family, Gail Hannam (nee Grundy), Russell Grundy, Anita Polzin (nee Grundy) and Miles Polzin have attended the Jondaryan State School. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied

Her nephew Russell Grundy attended the school in 1970-1975, and remembers the centenary of the school in 1972.

Head Master Edward Adams reportedly had the students “march around and around the school grounds”.

Anita Polzin, formally Grundy, admired her schooling so much she would later become a teacher.

A student from 1993-2000, Mrs Polzin said she looked forward to finishing her school holidays so she could return to the classroom.

Her son, Miles Polzin, is a current student of the school.

During the school’s operations, teaching expectations had changed dramatically.

For a time, discipline involved a cane, and teachers were expected to teach more than 40 students at once, without the technological advantages of today.

“Gone are the days of rote learning, and copying endless amounts of information off the old chalk board,” Mrs Polzin said.

The school’s 150-year anniversary will be celebrated Saturday, September 3 from 8am-4pm on the school grounds.

Jondaryan State School past students

Jondaryan State School and residence in 1907. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School and residence in 1907. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School 1907 class photo. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School 1907 class photo. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School class photo of 1918, with the school building in the background. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School class photo of 1918, with the school building in the background. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School 1919 year 1-2 class photo. Students from the lower school are pictured with Assistant Teacher, Mr Howard Cuthbert and Mr Nicholas Brazil was the school principal. Monday, August 29 2022. Picture: supplied
Jondaryan State School 1919 year 1-2 class photo. Students from the lower school are pictured with Assistant Teacher, Mr Howard Cuthbert and Mr Nicholas Brazil was the school principal. Monday, August 29 2022. Picture: supplied
Jondaryan State School Year 3 to 5 class of 1919. Students are pictured with Assistant Teachers, Miss Florence Millard 2nd row on far left and Miss Clara Ladner 2nd row, second from right. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School Year 3 to 5 class of 1919. Students are pictured with Assistant Teachers, Miss Florence Millard 2nd row on far left and Miss Clara Ladner 2nd row, second from right. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School 1928 class photo. Back: Mr Charles Bauer (Principal) Frank Borger, Thos Masters, Michael Mackey, Clarence (Clarrie) Evans, Robert Chicken, Patrick (Dick) White, Colin Cottle, John Tattam, Kevin Brideson, Victor Jacob, Mary Annie Flanagan (Pupil Teacher). 3rd Row: Gwen Millard, Theresa Huxham, Alice Ladner, Vera Cockburn, Enid Evans, Elizabeth (Beth) Evans, Lavina Gray, Monica Huxham, __, __, __, __, Thelma Duffin, Vera Evans, Doris Evans, Edna McLoughlin. 2nd Row: Stella Evans, Ivy May Jacob, Anastasia McLoughlin, Ruby Osmond, Beryl Enid Millard, Dorothy (Dory) Jacob, Dorothy (Dot) Wicks, Stella Brideson, Sylvia Adelaide (Ade)Cockburn, __, __, Kitty Brideson, Mavis Millard, Gwen Millard, __, Frances McLoughlin. Front: Robert Dixon, __, Sydney Masters, Alexander (Jack) Gray, Leonard Wicks, Leonard Coombs, Edward Osmond, Robt Evans, Bernard White, Francis McLoughlin. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied
Jondaryan State School 1928 class photo. Back: Mr Charles Bauer (Principal) Frank Borger, Thos Masters, Michael Mackey, Clarence (Clarrie) Evans, Robert Chicken, Patrick (Dick) White, Colin Cottle, John Tattam, Kevin Brideson, Victor Jacob, Mary Annie Flanagan (Pupil Teacher). 3rd Row: Gwen Millard, Theresa Huxham, Alice Ladner, Vera Cockburn, Enid Evans, Elizabeth (Beth) Evans, Lavina Gray, Monica Huxham, __, __, __, __, Thelma Duffin, Vera Evans, Doris Evans, Edna McLoughlin. 2nd Row: Stella Evans, Ivy May Jacob, Anastasia McLoughlin, Ruby Osmond, Beryl Enid Millard, Dorothy (Dory) Jacob, Dorothy (Dot) Wicks, Stella Brideson, Sylvia Adelaide (Ade)Cockburn, __, __, Kitty Brideson, Mavis Millard, Gwen Millard, __, Frances McLoughlin. Front: Robert Dixon, __, Sydney Masters, Alexander (Jack) Gray, Leonard Wicks, Leonard Coombs, Edward Osmond, Robt Evans, Bernard White, Francis McLoughlin. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied
Jondaryan State School class photo in 1934. Back: Bernard Boothby, Roy Evans, Robert Evans, Bernard White, Leonard Coombs, Thomas Evans, Roy Halford, Leonard Wicks, John Boothby, Robert Wicks, Maurice Darr. 3rd Row: Fred Black, Eric Evans, Stella Evans, Kitty Brideson, Kathleen Tattam, Marie Halford, Ethel Evans, Hazel Peardon, Kevin Doherty, Claude Peardon. 2nd Row: Mervyn Hartland, Ellen Darr, Maureen White, Shirley Haydock, Margaret Thompson, Elizabeth (Betty) Peardon, Marg Hudson, Marcia (Joan) Connell, Ellen (Nellie) Darr, Rita Connell, Bernice Connell, Robert Peardon. Front: Ralph Thompson, Noel Halford, Edward Black, Noel Cockburn, Colin Wicks, Harold (Jim) Coombs, Peter Nicholson, Norman (Kelly) Darr, Mervyn Boothby, Desmond Platz, Leslie (Les) Black. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.
Jondaryan State School class photo in 1934. Back: Bernard Boothby, Roy Evans, Robert Evans, Bernard White, Leonard Coombs, Thomas Evans, Roy Halford, Leonard Wicks, John Boothby, Robert Wicks, Maurice Darr. 3rd Row: Fred Black, Eric Evans, Stella Evans, Kitty Brideson, Kathleen Tattam, Marie Halford, Ethel Evans, Hazel Peardon, Kevin Doherty, Claude Peardon. 2nd Row: Mervyn Hartland, Ellen Darr, Maureen White, Shirley Haydock, Margaret Thompson, Elizabeth (Betty) Peardon, Marg Hudson, Marcia (Joan) Connell, Ellen (Nellie) Darr, Rita Connell, Bernice Connell, Robert Peardon. Front: Ralph Thompson, Noel Halford, Edward Black, Noel Cockburn, Colin Wicks, Harold (Jim) Coombs, Peter Nicholson, Norman (Kelly) Darr, Mervyn Boothby, Desmond Platz, Leslie (Les) Black. Monday, August 29, 2022. Picture: supplied.

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