
Casey Richard Heath sentenced for driving under the influence and obstructing police officers

A drink driving stay-at-home dad caught “unsteady and slurring” behind the wheel after an argument was found with objects in his car he shouldn’t have owned, a court heard.

Casey Richard Heath faced Proserpine Magistrates Court on Monday March 4, 2024.
Casey Richard Heath faced Proserpine Magistrates Court on Monday March 4, 2024.

A long-term Whitsundays resident caught behind the wheel after too much whisky was punched twice by police, who broke his nose after he refused to get in their vehicle, a court heard.

Casey Richard Heath, 38, was arrested after police received a call from his ex-partner on December 26, following a heated argument between the pair.

Prosecutor Sergeant Emma Myors told the court police had found him unsteady, slurring and had dilated pupils while driving his four-wheel drive in Jubilee Pocket.

Sergeant Myors said Heath became “very destructive and belligerent” towards officers, who used force to get him under control and into the police car.

Sergeant Myors said Heath kept kicking at the doors inside the car which had caused extensive damage.

She added that police had also found 11.1 grams of marijuana in his car and that he had previous convictions for drug offending.

Heath was taken to Proserpine hospital to treat his injuries from the confrontation, the court heard.

Ms Myors said he kept using abusive language towards officers and staff and had disturbed patients for over four hours on December 27.

PD Law solicitor Terry Gray told the court his client had tried to remove himself from an argument with his ex-partner when he drove off on that night.

Mr Gray said Heath was a stay-at-home dad and the argument had been about the children.

He told the court police officers’ punches had resulted in breaking his nose which had made him more agitated.

He said Heath had little memory of the night as he had been sedated at the station.

Heath, who faced Proserpine Magistrates Court, pleaded guilty to causing a public nuisance, driving under the influence of liquor, obstructing a police officer, possessing drugs and wilful damage of police property.

Magistrate Michelle Howard told Heath there was “no excuse” for his behaviour.

She imposed a 12-month probation order on him, ordered him to pay a retribution sum of $1487.20 and fined him $350.

Convictions were recorded.

Originally published as Casey Richard Heath sentenced for driving under the influence and obstructing police officers

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