
Sunshine Coast Council reveals proposed plans to boost short-term accommodation developments

Incentives for hotel developers, including loosening building height restrictions, are being considered by the Sunshine Coast Council as it is revealed 2000 rooms are needed in time for the Olympics. VOTE IN OUR POLL

Sunshine Coast Council. Picture: Sam Turner
Sunshine Coast Council. Picture: Sam Turner

A series of incentives to lure in more hotel developers, including the waiving of fees and the loosening of planning restrictions, could be adopted by the Sunshine Coast Council as early as next week.

A draft of the Accommodation Hotel Incentives Package’s strategic policy, set to be discussed at the Sunshine Coast Council’s ordinary meeting next week, outlined a number of proposed changes to the handling of development applications and planning guidelines.

According to the report, in order to meet the demands of the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics more than 2000 additional hotel rooms are required on the Sunshine Coast.

“Recent investigations into the Sunshine Coast hotel market (10-year outlook), identified that a total of 2150 new hotel rooms and a further 300 boutique hotel rooms are required to address the current shortfall in serviced visitor accommodation and to meet the demand from the overnight visitor market between now and the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” the report stated.

The policy states developers of eligible short-term accommodation projects would not be required to pay the development application fee and would also receive a 50 per cent reduction in infrastructure charges.

The Sunshine Coast Council will consider a number of incentives to lure hotel developers to the region as it is revealed 2000 rooms are needed in time for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Sunshine Coast Council will consider a number of incentives to lure hotel developers to the region as it is revealed 2000 rooms are needed in time for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It is further proposed the council create a temporary local planning instrument to allow for more relaxed height restrictions and on-site parking requirements on hotel developments.

The draft policy recommends the council create a dedicated approval team for short-term accommodation applications as well as a “free personalised case management” service for developers.

Sunshine Coast Business Awards chair Jennifer Swaine has thrown her support behind the proposal.
Sunshine Coast Business Awards chair Jennifer Swaine has thrown her support behind the proposal.

Sunshine Coast Business Awards committee chair and tourism lead of Sunshine Coast 2032, Jennifer Swaine, said she encouraged the council to adopt the policy.

“It’s definitely a start, leading up to the Olympics it is going to be really important because we have a massive shortfall in accommodation, especially five-star accommodation as it stands right now,” Ms Swaine said.

“So anything and everything we can throw at this to incentivise the development of this area I say bring it on.”

Ms Swaine said it was important the community welcomed growth and development as more people flock to the region.

“We have to look for ways to entice people to invest in the region, we need to make it more appealing for developers,” Ms Swaine said.

Conditions of the policy would include developers needing to begin constructions by 2028 and have the hotels completed in time for the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics.

If the council adopts the policy it will be effective immediately and remain open to new applications until September 30, 2026.

The Sunshine Coast Council declined to comment further on the proposal, pending the outcome of next week’s meeting.

Originally published as Sunshine Coast Council reveals proposed plans to boost short-term accommodation developments

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