
ScoMo's firing ABC blanks

Scott Morrison is on shaky ground calling on the ABC to return to work weeks after the Coalition shut down Parliament.

Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison visits Ashbern Farm in Glasshouse Mountains on the Sunshine Coast with Andrew Wallace MP. Picture: John McCutcheon
Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison visits Ashbern Farm in Glasshouse Mountains on the Sunshine Coast with Andrew Wallace MP. Picture: John McCutcheon

SCOMO had to be kidding himself when he thought the public would pay any mind to his calls for the ABC to get back to work.

Surely he wasn't serious?

This is the same bloke who ended up playing the starring role in a melodrama which literally shut down our Federal Parliament.

The trucker cap wearing, self-styled goofball needs to take a massive look at himself.

Political nitpicking, sniping and undermining within his own party brought a halt to our nation's government.

It delayed the potential passage of vital legislation, the tabling of bills which may have helped ease the burden on some of the nation's battlers, to settle a p*****g contest between Messrs Abbott and Turnbull, of which Scott Morrison was the main beneficiary.

Sorry champ.

Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison visits Ashbern Farm in Glasshouse Mountains on the Sunshine Coast with Andrew Wallace MP. Picture: John McCutcheon
Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison visits Ashbern Farm in Glasshouse Mountains on the Sunshine Coast with Andrew Wallace MP. Picture: John McCutcheon

But if you very handsomely paid clowns can bring our country to a halt to settle a schoolyard dispute then I don't think you're in any position whatsoever to be ordering the ABC, or anyone, back to work.

You're both publicly-funded entities and I know which one I'm more likely to pay attention to.

(Tip: They don't wear trucker caps).

The Coalition has lost the ability to criticise any sort of industrial action with any credibility now.

Any building site in the country affected by a dispute would be unfairly criticised if they were to cop a spray from any member of the Federal Coalition.

Scott Morrison has donned caps and football jumpers as he works hard to rebrand himself as a PM for the people. Only the polls will tell if the voting public are buying it.
Scott Morrison has donned caps and football jumpers as he works hard to rebrand himself as a PM for the people. Only the polls will tell if the voting public are buying it.

By doing what they did six weeks ago they set an example to the nation.

The LNP tolerates, in fact, embraces and participates in, workplace action.

And we all know what's good for the goose is more than satisfactory for the gander.

It probably stopped short of being unlawful action, but they've now set the tone.

The PR campaign that's followed, the footy passing, jersey-wearing, strawberry-cutting, Fatman Scoop-chanting circus, is a desperate attempt to pave over the cracks that have opened up in the halls of Canberra.

Funnily enough, one of the main issues with the ABC appears to be the interference and appointments made or firmly pushed by the Coalition.

But never fear, ScoMo has promised yet more intervention if the public broadcaster can't clean up its act and get back to work.


Soon we'll have Hillsong replacing Play School.

Interestingly, Nambour-based Senator James McGrath was reportedly influential in Turnbull's downfall, after switching allegiances, having made a name as one of Turnbull's allies.

ScoMo will now focus on policy on the fly for the next few months, as he desperately tries to stop the bleeding and reverse what looms as a dire outcome for the men and women in blue.

If Wentworth falls the public may get a chance much sooner than expected to remind these people, supposedly our representatives, who pays them and how long our memories are.

Originally published as ScoMo's firing ABC blanks

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