
‘How dare you risk my life’: Anger at ‘arrogant’ protests

A letter writer vulnerable to COVID-19 has criticised Black Lives Matter protesters, claiming the gatherings only “alienate” residents from their cause.

Hundreds of locals gather for a Black Lives Matter protest in Civic Park, Newcastle followed by a march down King and Hunter Streets to Pacific Park. Picture: Toby Zerna
Hundreds of locals gather for a Black Lives Matter protest in Civic Park, Newcastle followed by a march down King and Hunter Streets to Pacific Park. Picture: Toby Zerna


I am an ordinary 70-year-old Australian who has been dealt a fairly crappy hand in relation to my health in the past decade.

I've had two bouts of cancer, open heart and triple bypass surgery, had a pacemaker and defibrillator implanted, two broken hips and numerous other broken bones.

I am still looking down at the ground and looking forward to a better next decade.

To say that I am vulnerable when it comes to COVID-19 would be an understatement.

To the protesters: How dare you risk my life by attending rallies thus potentially causing community transmission.

In many ways, I believe you have a legitimate gripe but your protest gatherings will not change the past, in fact they will not change the future.

They will serve only to alienate ordinary Australians from your cause.

Many good ordinary Australians agree with your cause but these protests, at this time, are not the way forward - in fact they will ultimately harm your cause.

To those protesters who have good intentions, I say, please wake up to yourselves and understand that the cause has been hijacked by extremists who have no regard for the community at large.

We must find another way and get the community at large behind you.

Should you participate on Tuesday, then perhaps you should be charged with manslaughter or attempted murder.

Protesters who attend the rally are not only dumb, but arrogant, self-centred and irresponsible.

You have no right to risk my health and others for your cause.

Angry and worried for my safety.



Name change was needed

Dr Stephen Hagan is congratulated for his success in having the Canadian cheese company Saputo to delete the name "Coon" from their product range.

First nations peoples in this country and overseas have long objected to this brand name due to its historical subjugation and demeaning of non-white peoples.

I would anticipate the tsunami of disapproval from the gallery of reactionary commentators associated with News Corp who provide the biggest propaganda department since the Third Reich.

I refer of course to Jones, Credlin, Bolt, Gleeson and Devine who find any sensible cultural amendment to historical oppressive symbols, phrases, or blokey and matey slang as a slippery slope in freedom of speech.

Yes, this gallery of galahs find oppressive "free speech" more important than real social and cultural freedoms for all.

The authoritarian culture hawks in our community will again cry out "socialism" and "regressive progressives" when it is they who promote infantile objections for widespread liberating freedoms.

My humble suggestion is "Cool" cheese.



Trans-Tasman travel bubble

Why can't the Sunshine Coast Airport open to service direct flights to and from Auckland and Christchurch for NZ and Australian citizens?

This would be a safer and easier option than the busier Brisbane Airport option and provide no additional health risk or community transmissions.

This would provide a welcome stimulus for the Sunshine Coast struggling tourist industry and encourage large numbers of visitors back who would normally be here by now.

ANTHONY ROBINSON, Alexandra Headland


Andrews partially to blame

What must Daniel Andrews be thinking every day before he receives the coronavirus briefing?

Oh no, here we go again another 300-odd new coronavirus cases and another couple of deaths.

He must say to himself when will this bloody virus stop, will we ever get on top of it and when will we be able to give the media some good news?

What about the families that have lost relatives, how much longer can the hospitals cope with this never ceasing line of casualties.

All these thoughts must be flashing through Andrews' mind as he delivers his bad news report each day.

Surely he must reflect he was partially to blame by offering the quarantine contract to his union mates in the security business.

By trying to be clever and not use police and Australian Defence Force he has spread the virus through his state, he has also failed to control his own people from ignoring the restrictions and social distancing rules.

Now in panic mode he is forced to reintroduce tough restrictions and mandatory mask wearing in hot spot areas.

Surely, too late must cross his mind and about time he uttered the word "sorry".



Time to dump three-tier system

On July 27, the Sunshine Coast Daily published an opinion piece written by Joe Hildebrand.

I agree with Hilderbrand but felt he did not cut through the flesh and sinew to the bone and penned the following:

State Government leaders saw COVID-19 as an opportunity to be "King/Queen makers" and took their chance.

However, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews seems ruled by unions and unelected nobodies and guided by outside of Australia influences representing an overseas state.

The problem is our national government's because the Federation Constitution does not influence the states and moribund leadership.

However, they must pay, with our money, the continual failures by these state leaders.

I contend that the present federation called The Commonwealth of Australia is beyond its use-by date.

There is a persuasive argument to dump the states and the three-tier governance in favour of a two-tiered system with national government and regional governments.

A new constitution is required, detailing the separation powers and responsibilities of the national government and each regional government.

Australia needs visionaries, not TV entertainers or commentators who seem incapable of looking over the horizon.

BOB BUICK, Mountain Creek

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