
Big-hearted bikers in ride for Faith

Faith cannot walk or talk. She is oxygen dependant and her bones are so brittle that they can be broken just by moving her the wrong way.

Faith Edward
Faith Edward

Saturday 23rd March is an important day. A large group of Bikers are on a mission! No, they won't be on a rampage, or causing chaos, or breaking the law. They will be riding to raise funds for Faith - Faith Edward, that is.

Faith is a twelve- year- old girl with a joy of life and an infectious grin, but Faith is not your average 12year old. She is one of only 17 people in Australia, and around 400 worldwide. Faith suffers from FOXG1 syndrome. FOXG1 is a very rare condition and the oldest know person with FOXG1 is only 29 years old.

Faith cannot walk or talk. She is oxygen dependant and her bones are so brittle that they can be broken just by moving her the wrong way. She has suffered two broken legs in her young life already, simply because she was handled incorrectly. She cannot regulate her body temperature, so her environment must be temperature controlled.

Faith is one of 6 children and lives at home with her Father, James, Mother, Melissa and 16 year- old brother, Jaden. She needs round-the-clock care - and this is, of course, a huge strain on the family.

Several months ago, Viking Breed Social Motorcycle Club became aware of Faith and her family through Melissa's close friend, Marion Trench. They immediately decided to help.

A group of members have visited "Miss Faith", as they call her, on several occasions to get to know her and to ascertain her needs.

The Club members have been actively involved over the past few months, in arranging a ride for 23rd March to raise funds for a portable oxygen machine so that Faith is not totally housebound.

Air-conditioning too, was an urgent need - particularly given the extreme temperatures of the last few months. This has already been supplied and fitted at cost by one of the club members, but the funds are needed to pay for this.

The riders will assemble at the Big Fish Tavern in Pumice-Stone Road, Caboolture at 9am on Saturday, 23rd March 2019 and will depart, baring any delays, at 10am.

The ride finishes at the Dag Pub, on the D'Aguilar Highway just outside Woodford around 3pm. There will be raffles held during the day and raffles and auctions over the course of the night.

There is something for everyone at the auction - everything from a signed Cameron Smith jersey to a weekend away at Coffs Harbour - and many items in between.

Entertainment for the evening will be provided by 'Killer Queen Experience'.

VBSMC have been astounded by the sponsorship and support this ride has received so far and wish to particularly thank Big Fish Tavern and The Dag Pub for their willingness to get behind this great cause.


Originally published as Big-hearted bikers in ride for Faith

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