
Buyers snap up Stanthorpe homes

Stanthorpe properties sell within days of entering property market

HOT PROPERTY: Houses in Stanthorpe are selling within days of entering the market. Picture: fstop123
HOT PROPERTY: Houses in Stanthorpe are selling within days of entering the market. Picture: fstop123

GRANITE Belt real estate is in high demand with one home selling just two days after it went onto market.

According to real estate agents Norm Crisp and Scott Mann, this is indicative of the current housing climate in Stanthorpe where increasing numbers of city people are looking to make a tree change.

Mr Crisp said there was a shortage of brick homes in the $300,000-$400,000 price range in town.

"Over the past two years the market has been really strong and has shown no signs of getting weaker,” Mr Crisp said.

"Demand is stronger than it has been for a long time.”

Mr Mann said there was demand for all types of property, from residential blocks to large rural acreage.

"It comes down to how realistically priced people are as to how well you're going to sell,” he said.

On average, houses stayed on the market for a month and they were currently selling four to five properties a month.

Both agents agreed Stanthorpe was the most popular area for buyers however Mr Crisp said small acreage anywhere within a 10-minute radius of town was also in demand.

"(There's) pretty high demand for the south, for Glen Aplin, Severnlea and Ballandean areas,” Mr Mann said.

Most buyers at are retirees, aged from their early 50s to late 60s, moving out of Brisbane.

"(They're) usually married couples with kids who've left home who are looking to get out of Brisbane and out of the rat race and humidity,” Mr Crisp said.

"Some come out of the Gold Coast,” Mr Mann said.

"The locals keep us going, they're probably doing 30 per cent (of sales).”

As demand increases, so do prices.

According to the Real Estate Institute of Queensland, Stanthorpe property prices have increased by 8 per cent in the past 12 months.

"It's just Stanthorpe in itself, it's a great little town,” Mr Mann said.

"Climate-wise and having that tree change, (people) want to move out to the country in a nice little quiet country town.”

Originally published as Buyers snap up Stanthorpe homes

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