Photo Gallery: Friday nights aftermath
1/11They might have escaped the worst but plenty of smoke was still lingering around houses in the Amiens area. Picture: Matthew Purcell
2/11A house on the corner of Brittania St and Texas Rd barely escaped the flames. Picture: Matthew Purcell
3/11Glenlyon Dr was still blocked to the public on Saturday afternoon. Picture: Matthew Purcell
4/11More assistance is on its way into town. Picture: Matthew Purcell
5/11The Walls Concrete yards barely escaped. Picture: Matthew Purcell
6/11The road side along the New England Highway is burnt all over. Picture: Matthew Purcell
7/11Planes fly over dropping water on fires in the Amiens and Applethorpe area. Picture: Matthew Purcell
8/11Firies pause to fill up their trucks. Picture: Matthew Purcell
9/11The Queensland College of Wine Tourism is still standing despite its proximity to the blaze. Picture: Matthew Purcell
10/11Police redirect traffic in the Applethorpe area. Picture: Matthew Purcell
11/11Flames came within metres of countless houses in the Amiens area. Picture: Matthew Purcell