
11-year-old hero saves nurse's life

The basic things a child can learn, can help save someone's life.

GUARDIAN ANGEL: Emily Williams remained calm and helped save her 'Nan' Evelyn Ede's life, after an accident on a ladder. Picture: Jessica McGrath
GUARDIAN ANGEL: Emily Williams remained calm and helped save her 'Nan' Evelyn Ede's life, after an accident on a ladder. Picture: Jessica McGrath

A KINGAROY nurse owes her life to the quick actions and level head of an 11-year-old family friend.

Evelyn Ede was coming down a ladder after trimming trees when she slipped on Saturday afternoon, August 25.

Her young friend, Emily Williams, found her unconscious and pinned under a branch.

The Year 6 student was able to remain calm and direct her grandmother to call 000.

Following the 000 operator's directions, Emily held Ms Ede's head still while her grandmother pulled the branch off, so Ms Ede's body was on stable ground.

"By holding my neck, that was the difference between me walking and not walking, luckily there was no damage," Ms Ede said.

"You have to stay calm, or it might get worse," Emily said.

They soon had five paramedics and some police officers come and take over to look after Ms Ede, who Emily affectionately calls Nan.

If the pair had not been there to get air into Ms Ede's lungs, she may have had a spinal injury.

Ms Ede said she was alive thanks to Emily's actions.

"I am just so grateful for her, she's my guardian angel," she said.

Ms Ede said the experience had strengthened their bond, and driven home the need for children to learn first aid skills.

"It's just basic things that a child can do which can save someone's life," Ms Ede said.

Emily went and shared lunch on Sunday with her Nan at the hospital, who was later released with only a sore chest where the CPR was done.

The 11-year-old's grandfather had taught her a few basic first aid skills, however she mostly remembered what to do from exercises at school.

"When you learn to do it, you hope you don't have to do it," Emily said.

Ms Ede said it was important children knew their own addresses, and relatives had their addresses written down so young children could relay it to the 000 operators.

"We don't realise how important it is, because help is only just around the corner," she said.

Originally published as 11-year-old hero saves nurse's life

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