
Rescue helicopter tasked to property off Barfield Rd Banana

A man has been transferred to a Brisbane hospital after he and his wife were reportedly trampled by cattle on a rural property in Central Queensland.

RACQ CapRescue were tasked to an incident at Banana where a couple were trampled by cattle on a rural property.
RACQ CapRescue were tasked to an incident at Banana where a couple were trampled by cattle on a rural property.

A man has been transferred to a Brisbane hospital after he and his wife were reportedly trampled by cattle on a rural property.

About 9am Monday paramedics were called to a property off Barfield Rd near Banana.

The RACQ CapRescue Helicopter was also tasked to the incident.

A spokesman for Queensland Ambulance Service said paramedics treated two people, a man and a woman, both aged in their 60s.

He said the woman sustained facial injuries, while the man sustained chest and facial injuries.

The woman was able to call triple-0 for help despite being injured.

When the Rescue300 crew arrived, the on-board medical team worked “intensively” to stabilise the man who had sustained suspected “extensive” upper body injuries and possible internal injuries.

The man was flown to Rockhampton Hospital in a critical but stable condition.

The woman was taken to Biloela Hospital in a stable condition by road.

A spokeswoman for Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service said on Wednesday that the man remained in a critical condition on Tuesday and was transferred to Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

She said the woman remained in hospital in a stable condition.

Originally published as Rescue helicopter tasked to property off Barfield Rd Banana

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