
Lou William Daniel ‘shaped up’ to cops after his fiancee Sophie Lawson called them ‘dogs and tough c---s’

A Central Queensland couple was involved in a ruckus at a rodeo and the drama shifted from one location to another. Here’s what happened on the night and how the couple was punished in court.

A man and his fiancee have fronted court for their involvement in a ruckus at a Central Queensland rodeo.

Sophie Bridget Katie Lawson, 27, and Lou William Daniel, 31, appeared in Biloela Magistrates Court on February 9.

Lawson, whose matters were dealt with first, pleaded guilty to public nuisance, obstructing police and contravening a police move-on direction while in the vicinity of a licensed premises.

Daniel pleaded guilty to obstructing police and contravening a police move-on direction while in the vicinity of a licensed premises.

All charges for the couple, who are engaged to be married, stemmed from incidents which occurred at the Theodore Bulls ‘n’ Barrels Rodeo on October 23 last year.

Police Prosecutor Sergeant Kevin Ongheen said Lawson and Daniel attended the rodeo which was a licensed event.

Sergeant Ongheen said about 8pm, Lawson and Daniel were told to leave by venue security.

“That’s after Mr Daniel attempted to start a fight with another patron at the event,” Sgt Ongheen said.

Sgt Ongheen said Lawson was highly intoxicated and she and Daniel were removed from the venue after Lawson verbally abused police officers calling them “c---s and dogs.”

Sgt Ongheen said at 8.23pm, Lawson and Daniel were given an official move-on direction by police.

That direction required the pair to move 300m from the Theodore Showgrounds for a period of 12 hours.

They were warned that if they failed to comply they would be arrested.

Lawson’s obstruct police charge came about because, as police were reading the move-on direction to her, she walked away multiple times and failed to listen to warnings about that.

After the move-on directions were issued, Lawson and Daniel were told to leave immediately.

Sgt Ongheen said Lawson then yelled to police: “Look at you tough c---s and f--- you, dogs.”

This happened within earshot of people at the event, some of whom were children.

Lou William Daniel and Sophie Bridget Katie Lawson.
Lou William Daniel and Sophie Bridget Katie Lawson.

Sgt Ongheen said after about 10 minutes of loitering at the location, Lawson and Daniel were warned to leave immediately.

“They walked across the field before being located a short time later sitting behind a caravan in the showgrounds about 50m from the licensed area,” he said.

Lawson was then told that she was under arrest for contravening the direction.

In court, a solicitor said Lawson, currently working as a labourer at a timber mill, came to Australia from England and became a citizen of this country in 2011.

The solicitor said Lawson admitted to using offensive language to police on the night of the offences.

“She acknowledges that she acted in an unacceptable manner and understands why police got involved,” the solicitor said.

“I’m instructed that she was highly intoxicated and also in a heated state due to a confrontation between Mr Daniel and another patron.”

The solicitor said Lawson admitted she had a problem with alcohol and she was seeking professional help for that.

Lawson, who had no criminal history and a traffic history which included a recent high-range drink-driving offence (. 175), was fined $1000 and she was also ordered to perform 40 hours of unpaid community service.

She did not have a conviction recorded.

When Daniel’s matters were dealt with in court, his actions on the night were outlined by the prosecution.

Sergeant Ongheen said that after the pair had been issued move-on directions, Daniel did walk out of the showgrounds but Lawson had walked back towards it.

Sgt Ongheen said as police approached Lawson, Daniel came running back saying he needed to talk to his partner.

He was told by police to move out of the showgrounds.

After refusing to listen, Daniel was told that he was under arrest for contravening a direction.

“He shaped up towards police and stated that he was going to defend his partner,” Sgt Ongheen said.

When police went to arrest Daniel, he refused to comply with instructions and officers took him to the ground.

Sgt Ongheen said Daniel continued to disobey instructions and tried to prevent police from handcuffing him.

He was subsequently taken to a police vehicle.

In court, the same solicitor represented Daniel, explaining that Daniel currently worked at a cotton farm as a farmhand, having previously been employed as a fencing contractor.

The solicitor said that Daniel recognised he had “an ongoing problem with alcohol” and he had sought professional help for that.

“Mr Daniel’s very apologetic and embarrassed for his behaviour,” the solicitor said.

“He understands that although he was highly intoxicated at the time, this is no excuse for any of his behaviours including the circumstances leading up to the police involvement.

“Just prior to the incident, Mr Daniel was involved in a confrontation with another intoxicated patron at the event.

“I’m instructed that he and Ms Lawson were leaving in order to de-escalate but he was still in a heightened and aggravated state.”

The solicitor said that Daniel had walked away from the area after the move-on directions were given, but Lawson did not.

“Leading Mr Daniel to go back to get her,” the solicitor said.

“In his aggravated state, fuelled by intoxication, Mr Daniel’s skewed perception made him believe that he was simply trying to defend and prevent Ms Lawson from being arrested.”

With a criminal history which contained a previous conviction for drunk and disorderly behaviour, Daniel was fined $1000.

He had a conviction recorded.

Originally published as Lou William Daniel ‘shaped up’ to cops after his fiancee Sophie Lawson called them ‘dogs and tough c---s’

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