
Victor James Tetley pleads guilty to sex with a dog

A Queensland father of three who filmed himself violating a dog and then sent the vile video to a random teenage girl over social media cried loudly in court as his ‘repulsive’ act was laid bare. DISTURBING CONTENT

Victor James Tetley pleaded guilty to having sex with a dog in Mackay in 2022. He sent a video of the act to a random teen over social media. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Victor James Tetley pleaded guilty to having sex with a dog in Mackay in 2022. He sent a video of the act to a random teen over social media. Picture: Janessa Ekert

A Mackay father of three filmed himself having sex with a dog and then sent that video to a random teen over social media.

Victor James Tetley, 36, tried to shield his face with his hat as he hurried from Mackay courthouse after details of his “repulsive” conduct was revealed.

Then 34, he had sex with a dog on September, 15 2022 – his excuse was that he was going through a rough time and had been drinking, a court heard.

Two months later he sent a video he had taken of the act to a 19-year-old woman he did not know but had been speaking to over Snapchat for a couple of days.

She told New South Wales police, who told Queensland police and as a result officers searched Tetley’s phone and found the vile film.

He was arrested.

The only words an incredulous Judge Jennifer Rosengren could initially find when she began her summing up were “wow, wow, wow”, as Tetley cried loudly in the dock.

Victor James Tetley pleaded guilty to having sex with a dog in Mackay in 2022. He sent a video of the act to a random teen over social media. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Victor James Tetley pleaded guilty to having sex with a dog in Mackay in 2022. He sent a video of the act to a random teen over social media. Picture: Janessa Ekert

“I can see you already know how ridiculously appalling your behaviour was,” she said.

“And then the abject stupidity that you would send that on Snapchat to someone you don’t even know.

“I don’t know whether you think a female would think that’s an attractive thing to see, but it’s just repulsive.

“I can’t believe that you would think that you could send that and she wouldn’t send that to the police.

“I think you’ve learned the lesson of your life.”

Tetley, who had no criminal history, pleaded guilty to one count of bestiality involving penile intercourse with a dog. The court heard it was a very early plea.

The 36 year old tried to hide his face after leaving Mackay courthouse. Picture: Janessa Ekert
The 36 year old tried to hide his face after leaving Mackay courthouse. Picture: Janessa Ekert


Fisher Dore Lawyers solicitor Sean Gibbs, who represented Tetley in Mackay District Court, said in written submissions his client had a prejudicial upbringing involving abuse that had been unresolved.

The court heard Tetley’s explanation for this “worrying behaviour” was that he had been struggling with mental health issues stemming from the unresolved abuse and had been drinking.

Since being charged he had attended four psychologist appointments. He had also held employment as a maintenance supervisor for a company he had worked for 15 years.

Tetley must complete a two-year probation order. Picture: Janessa Ekert
Tetley must complete a two-year probation order. Picture: Janessa Ekert

Crown prosecutor Matthew Sutton submitted for three years probation, while Mr Gibbs pushed for two years and not recording a conviction and ultimately Judge Rosengren found the latter appropriate.

“You got to this stage in your life with nothing (on your criminal history) and you are clearly really, really ashamed of what you’ve done,” she said.

Tetley was released on two years probation and a conviction was not recorded.
“I just think the nature of the offending is such that it could be very likely to impact upon your employment opportunities in the future

“It’s in circumstances where I think this is just an aberration on your behalf.”

Judge Rosengren said Tetley was a contributing member of the community and she did not want that contribution “being hampered by having this follow you moving forward”.

Originally published as Victor James Tetley pleads guilty to sex with a dog

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