
North West will be grateful for her name one day

EIGHT-YEAR-OLD me did not like my name. And after the birth of baby North West, I have a feeling she too might not be too happy with mamma Kim and poppy Kanye.

EIGHT-YEAR-OLD me did not like my name.

And after the birth of baby North West, I have a feeling she too might not be too happy with mamma Kim and poppy Kanye.

After the news of baby North, a couple of workmates in the newsroom were discussing other "different" names parents have called their children, including Pirate, Camera, Satchel and Blanket.

A baby's name is important. You have to choose carefully because one day a baby is going to be an adult.

A name has the power to make someone proud or send them straight to changing their name.

There were many times I wanted to change mine to Sarah or Jessica and it wasn't until I was older that I appreciated it.

I have been at the end of a lot of jokes, confusing looks and a few aliases I didn't know I had.

At university, a guy I lived in college with for three years always called me "Fal".

But one day, while standing at the bain marie scooping another bland college meal, he yelled out: "Hey Falcon, what's happening, how are you?"

I looked behind me, no one was there; surely he is not talking to me, I thought. But he was. "Falcon," he yelled again, this time looking straight at me.

I told him my name was not Falcon, but Fallon. He looked at me in shock.

"You are joking, Falcon." There was an awkward silence, except for a couple of crickets going off inside my head.

"Really, your name is not Falcon? I thought your parents were just Ford enthusiasts."

I laughed, joking that my parents were criminals; that's why they called me Felon.

When it comes to your name, embrace it.

It can be one interesting piece to the intricate puzzle that is you.

Originally published as North West will be grateful for her name one day

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