
Waste project status gets early tick

State Government gives waste to energy plant co-ordinated project status

Sharon Bell - One Nation candidate for Blair. Picture: Sharon Bell
Sharon Bell - One Nation candidate for Blair. Picture: Sharon Bell

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Regarding the Exclusive story in the QT on Tuesday 30 June 2020 "Call made on controversial Remondis, waste to energy plant proposed for Swanbank"The Queensland State Government has declared the Toxic Incinerator proposed for Ipswich as a co-ordinated project.

This is the second step in the approval process by the ALP State Government. A sure sign that the four local Labor MPs have given their tick of approval. They have not listened to the Bundamba and Greater Ipswich community that do not want a SuperDump or incinerator in their backyard. The Palaszczuk Labor Government has skirted around the questions raised to them by IRATES Secretary. All 4 Labor MP's would not guarantee that they don't support the Waste to Energy Incinerator at Swanbank. The People of Ipswich want honest straight forward answers with direct action to address this important matter. One Nation and myself campaigned on No SuperDumps or Waste to Energy Incinerators, as we are Ipswich not Tipswich. Our city should not be the dumping ground for other State's rubbish. Since the by-election, I have recommitted to putting up a Private Members Bill to stop the SuperDump if elected as the next member for Bundamba. When I questioned the approval of this waste to energy site, the reply from the proposed tender was, "the waste to energy plant is still with the State Government for approval - hopefully we can get this approved as it will be an amazing piece of equipment once built and we can finally bring some innovation to the Waste to Energy Industry in Queensland"Seems the Labor State Government is only waiting to give this the big tick after the election.With the Queensland State election to be held in October 2020, people need to know the position of all respective candidates and their parties on the SuperDump and incinerators that will affect our region. One Nation has made our policy on this matter crystal clear now it's up to Labor and the LNP. If the 4 Labor State MP's support SuperDumps and incinerators then we must give them the flick. Sharon Bell One Nation Candidate for Bundamba

Originally published as Waste project status gets early tick

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