
Losing the ability to take responsibility for our actions

Pill testing will take us down a road of being legally liable for bad drugs

Heading down a dangerous path with pill testing. Picture: Contributed
Heading down a dangerous path with pill testing. Picture: Contributed

IN AMONGST the steady flow of sympathisers calling for someone to organise some "pill-testing” to save a few festival-goers from their own naivety, there has been a chorus of disapproval from those who would rather see nature takes its course.

The idea that society should somehow pick up the pieces for those who knowingly place unknown chemicals into their bodies is bound to cause a stir with those who were raised to look out for themselves rather than expect someone else to do that for them. I ask myself where does this sense of entitlement to absolute harm protection come from?

Perhaps what concerns me most after reading up on the latest campaign for pill testing is a sense that we are heading down the road of being legally liable for bad drugs or overdose.

Before you scoff at that thought, just remember that people can sue you for all sorts of ridiculous things these days.

They occasionally win too, and for that we all suffer through increased insurance premiums, and general frustration at the way the law occasionally panders to the complainers of the world.

Somewhere along the line, it seems some of us have lost that core human value that one must be responsible for their own actions.

Originally published as Losing the ability to take responsibility for our actions

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