
Let's have common sense health debate

It is time common sense played a part in the creation of one of the most beautiful things in the world today.


Heard about the couple who had 6 kids?

Well, do you know why they had no more? They found out what was causing it. So generally, it takes two to tango. By that it means that it is time common sense played a part in the creation of one of the most beautiful things that I find in the world today; namely, young babies and children. I would love to say to Dr Gino Pecoraro that the high cost of pregnancy policies is not "anti-woman" (QT, Dunlevy, 12/06/21) as is reported in "Pregnancy policy cost sparks gender war." I find that a stupid thing to say. Please examine the photo in this article of Courtney Zamoro Arana and the way she holds her hands caressing the outline of her bulging progeny to be. That pose and the smile speak a thousand words. Yes, health premiums "keep rising" but this is not just the health of the woman that is causing it, because it is definitely the health of the new life within that woman whether you call that living tissue human or not. Maybe Dr Gino we should place a price on all pregnancies with the DNA providers to that embryo being equally billed the same to cover that cost. THAT I feel Dr Gino would certainly make it less "anti-woman" and then maybe we can throw a dice to see which one in the partnership could carry this mass of organic matter to fruition. What a scientific (sic) nutcase world we live in! Glenda Carroll Bundamba

Originally published as Let's have common sense health debate

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