
Cherry picking facts not the answer

When attempting to "think outside the box”, it is important we look at all the evidence

HOT TOPIC: Our readers continue to debate the reasons for Climate change. Picture: cosmin4000
HOT TOPIC: Our readers continue to debate the reasons for Climate change. Picture: cosmin4000

GLENDA Carroll (QT 11/01) complains that reports of the effects of climate change do not specify what they are being compared to.

However, if she had read the articles referred to in my letter (QT 10/1), she would have seen that details of what they were being compared to were given. Scientists have to specify in detail what they are comparing. No article written by a scientist would fail to give the details. She will note in my letter, I wrote "records from the 1950s and even from the 1800s are showing that severe heat waves are becoming more frequent here in Australia".

She will also note in the same issue as her letter, an article written by Benedict Brook on page 11 titled 'It's getting hotter despite blip' gives details of what the records are being compared against (for instance: "hottest day in eight decades"). There are masses of evidence that global warming is happening here and now.

When we argue Australia's emissions are relatively small, we must recognise per capita we are one of the highest emitters, and if we included the emissions we are responsible for when our coal and gas exports are used, we would be punching far above our weight. We must play our part with other countries in working to reduce our emissions.

When attempting to "think outside the box", it is important we look at all the evidence being gathered by thousands around the world before coming to a conclusion and not picking a few 'facts' that appear to support our opinion.


Barellan Point

Originally published as Cherry picking facts not the answer

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