
2032 Olympic bid: Are our priorities right?

Why is sport the top priority, when our public transport system and road network is failing Queenslanders who have no say in how taxpayers' money is spent?


Our Premier seems to have a spare $1billion to spend on "The Gabba" bring the cricket ground up to world standard for the 2032 Olympic Games bid.

Typical Labor Government: all about making its mark, bringing glory to a government intent on spending money they don't have and leaving a debt legacy future Queensland generations don't need.

Why is sport the top priority, when our public transport system and road network is failing Queenslanders who have no say in how taxpayers' money is spent?

Then, if we are successful for the Olympic bid, will money suddenly materialise for a world-class transport system to cater for the Games north of Brisbane?

A transport system badly in need of significant investment outside the capital, specifically, is what has been the bane of travellers in Regional Queensland.

Investment in road and rail travel outside the metropolitan area, is not a Queensland Labor Government priority, unless you are the Gold Coast.

It has been 21 years since Queensland's Olympic Games attracted phenomenal Labor Government investment in the Gold Coast.

All this time, Regional Queenslanders contributed to the 2000 Olympics which made the Gold Coast the pride of the nation. Naturally, it is a Labor seat.

If the Premier has a spare $1 billiion to waste, intending to make "The Gabba" a world-class venue, at the expense of Regional Queenslanders who struggle with the "tyranny of distance" from our capital, then we need a second look at the budget and Labor's priorities into the next decade.

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart is also."

E Rowe


Originally published as 2032 Olympic bid: Are our priorities right?

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