
Gympie real estate: The latest auction and sales results for week ending March 1

See the latest auction and sales results in Gympie for last week.

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A four-bedroom house in Veteran was the most expensive sale reported in Gympie last week.

The property at 386 Sandy Creek Road sold for $793,000 by private sale.

The cheapest property was a three-bedroom house at 35 Beryl Crescent, which sold for $517,000 by auction.

Only one property was sold via auction last week. data division Proptrack has reported seven local auction and private sale results in the past seven days.

Guide to reading auction and private sale results

PI - Passed in

PT - Sold by private treaty

S - Sold at auction

SA - Sold after auction

SB - Sold before auction

VB - Passed in on vendor bid

W - Withdrawn from auction

Auction and private sale results in Gympie

Click on the address to know more.

35 Beryl Crescent, 3-bedroom house, S, $517,000
Agency - Weir & Co Real Estate

3 Henry St, 4-bedroom house, PT, $600,000
Agency - Your Realty Gympie & Cooloola - GYMPIE
45 Wises Road, 3-bedroom house, PT, $525,000
Agency - Anchor Realty - Gympie

Rainbow Beach
83/13 RAINBOW SHORES DRIVE, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $557,000
Agency - Rainbow Beach Realty - Rainbow Beach

386 Sandy Creek Road, 4-bedroom house, PT, $793,000
Agency - Anchor Realty - Gympie

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Originally published as Gympie real estate: The latest auction and sales results for week ending March 1

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