
Helping the region's homeless

The annual Homeless Connect event gave people an opportunity to speak up, seek help and access support services if needed.

Gladstone's Homeless Connect event was held at ANZAC Park on August 8, 2019. PICTURED: Jayde Macdonald from APM Employment Services. Picture: Matt Taylor GLA080819HOME
Gladstone's Homeless Connect event was held at ANZAC Park on August 8, 2019. PICTURED: Jayde Macdonald from APM Employment Services. Picture: Matt Taylor GLA080819HOME

GLADSTONE'S homeless community had the opportunity to speak up, seek help and access support services as part of the Roseberry's Homeless Connect event today.

Held each year during Homelessness Week, the event gave those experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of experiencing homelessness, an opportunity to get a bite to eat, connect with others in the community and receive assistance if needed.

Several community and business representatives attended the event today including Headspace, APM Employment Services, RentConnect, Youth Connect, Anglicare, St Vinnies Cornerstone program and others.

Roseberry Queensland housing manager Sherrie Stringer said today was an opportunity for people to seek help.

"It is all about raising awareness,” Ms Stringer said.

"In every community there is homeless people - Gladstone would be more of the hidden homeless: the overcrowding and couch surfing rather than the sleeping rough.”

Ms Stringer said the event would engage the community as a whole to increase awareness about the existence of the issue.

She hoped that people left the event with a lot of information about what services there were to help them.

According to recent statistical data provided by Roseberry Queensland, Gladstone has over 60 "rough sleepers”, including at Boyne Island and Tannum Sands.

APM Employment Services engagement consultant Jayde Macdonald said Homeless Connect was important to provide necessary services to those experiencing homelessness and for people to know what services were available.

"I think it's important as well just to show our support, showing support itself is a really nice way to boost people's spirits.”

Originally published as Helping the region's homeless

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