
$140m support for small businesses

Small businesses recovering from the pandemic will be given greater support with a tour starting in Gladstone next month.

Di Farmer will stop at Gladstone on Tuesday to discuss with small business owners the impacts of the pandemic had on their business.
Di Farmer will stop at Gladstone on Tuesday to discuss with small business owners the impacts of the pandemic had on their business.

Small businesses recovering from the pandemic will be given greater support with a tour starting in Gladstone next month.

Queensland Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer is touring the state to exchange ideas and insights with small business owners as they drive economic recovery across the state.

Ms Farmer said she was looking forward to the opportunity to hear from small business owners about the recovery measures put in place throughout the pandemic, and additional measures unveiled in the State Budget including the $140 million investment in Big Plans for Small Business.

“I will be travelling across Queensland to listen to small business owners, to hear their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities they face and discuss how government can help them,” Ms Farmer said.

Ms Farmer will arrive in Gladstone on Tuesday, and will travel to Rockhampton later that day.

She will arrive in Mackay on February 3.

“The Palaszczuk Government knows just how vital small businesses are to the Queensland economy, and how critical their success will be to our economic recovery,” she said.

Ms Farmer said the Big Plans for Small Business funding includes a $100 million to invest in small to medium sized businesses, and $30 million for skills and capability with $25 million going towards small business grants focusing on priority industry sectors grants.

$10 million will also be invested to the Small Business Commissioner permanent and for rolling out a targeted engagement strategy including reinvigorating the Small Business Advisory Council.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the Queensland economy, and in 2021 we will provide the funding, support and advice they need to ensure they continue to grow and thrive,” she said.

To register for a Small Business Roadshow in your area, go here.

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