
Charleville mother Nataly Anderson’s pain at losing son Wesley eased by organ donation

After losing her 14-year-old son, a western Queensland mother’s grief has been eased by knowing that from her loss, other families around the state have been given hope through the miracle of organ donation.

Wesley Leleca, a 14-year-old boy from Charleville became an organ donor after his passing
Wesley Leleca, a 14-year-old boy from Charleville became an organ donor after his passing

Through the unbearable grief of losing her teenage son, a western Queensland mother has taken comfort that her loss has meant other families around the state have been given a second chance at life.

In late November 2023, an epileptic seizure rendered Charleville teen Wesley Leleca was left with irreversible brain damage at 14 years old.

Moments before making the devastating decision to turn off his life support, his mother, Nataly Anderson, decided to donate her son’s organs and tissue.

Nataly Anderson's family stands together
Nataly Anderson's family stands together

Ms Anderson had never considered organ donation before, but said she felt that it was how her son could fulfil his purpose despite his premature death.

Wesley’s kidneys were transplanted to two adults, his liver was donated to two children, and his heart was transplanted to another child.

In addition, Wesley’s skin, muscle, and tendon tissue will be used in medical procedures and research.

Wesley’s donation has radically changed the lives of more people than most 14-year-olds could ever hope to.

For Ms Anderson, the precious gifts Wesley has been able to donate has given his tragic death meaning and helped her navigate grief.

“I don’t feel like we’ve lost him,” she said.

While grief is never easy, knowing her son has been able to help so many people has dimmed her anger at the unfairness of her son’s death.

She said she doesn’t let “the pain become bigger than the love”.

“Sometimes we can get really angry when someone dies, but knowing that Wesley’s been able to help so many people means that the grief can really be about the person,” she said.

Ms Anderson described Wesley as a happy child who was "always laughing"
Ms Anderson described Wesley as a happy child who was "always laughing"

According to DonateLife Queensland, one organ donor can save up to seven lives.

“Many families find comfort in organ donation, knowing they have been able to help others despite their own loss,” a spokesperson for the organisation said.

In the wake of Wesley’s passing, Ms Anderson has set up a GoFundMe to ask for support for her, her partner and her five other children. The goal for the fundraiser has been set to $19,119, a tribute to Wesley’s birthday, November 19, 2009.

So far, the page has received more than $5500 in donations, a testament to the Charleville community supporting one of their own through a devastating time.

Nataly’s fundraiser can be found here.

Originally published as Charleville mother Nataly Anderson’s pain at losing son Wesley eased by organ donation

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