
North Burnett election: Mayoral candidates talk future of region

With just days to go until the region votes for its new mayor, the Central and North Burnett Times put some key questions to the candidates. Here’s what they had to say:

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As the floodwaters dry and the region continues to battle a crippling financial crisis, five mayoral candidates have stepped forward in a bid to lead the North Burnett region through a tumultuous time.

Three sitting councillors - Melinda Jones, Les Hotz and Susan Payne - have all thrown their hats in the ring to succeed former Mayor Rachel Chambers, who resigned suddenly last year.

Former councillor John Bowen, who served as a councillor from 2012 to 2020, has also nominated.

The final candidate is Biggenden Chamber of Commerce president, Kevin Edwards.

The region’s 7200 electors must complete their postal vote for Mayor by 6pm on by-election day, Saturday January 22, with more than 2500 votes having already been returned to the ECQ.

The Central and North Burnett Times approached the candidates to find out what their vision for the region is.

All responses to the questions below are verbatim and have not been edited.

Melinda Jones

Sitting North Burnett Councillor and Mayoral candidate Melinda Jones.
Sitting North Burnett Councillor and Mayoral candidate Melinda Jones.

1. Why have you decided to run for North Burnett Mayor?

I love the region and understand the region’s strengths and challenges. I have a passion for seeing the North Burnett thrive and move forward. I am an advocate of our community, striving willingly together for the betterment of our region, now and for future generations.

I see a Mayor as a position that takes the community on the journey and looks at how we can co-create and support the community to strive willingly together towards a greater future where all generations can live, work, play, have fun and age well together.

2. Can you tell me a little more about your working background and political experience?
With over 25 years’ experience in the Community Development, Tourism, Economic development, Disability and the Hospitality Sector, working in the private, corporate and government services at both a local, state and federal level and qualifications in Hospitality, Youth Services, Project Management, Community Consultation, Business (Governance), Justice of the Peace and have literally just completed my Masters in Business Administration, I have the right experience and skills to grow our region as YOUR Mayor.

3. What are your top three priorities for the North Burnett region?

We need to thrive.

We need to want to be here, raise our kids here, shop here, play here, age well here and make our home great. Our region has the potential to grow into a stronger, more vibrant community and all it needs is people who are willing to work for its future, who are willing to strive along together, to give of their time, talent and treasure for the betterment of our region now and into the future.

We need our identities returned.

We should be proud to call ourselves Biggenden, Eidsvold, Gayndah, Monto, Mt Perry, Mundubbera or whichever locality you reside in, people.

I will work to that end, to build our individual and collective unique identity and ensure our region is thriving without losing any of the country hospitality and spirit nor rural landscapes we all enjoy.

I will strengthen our community through celebrating our individual unique locations, investing in industry/economic growth, supporting local events and community groups, and thinking local in all aspects of Council (from purchasing of goods and services, local hire and development of Councils’ greatest asset – our local staff) so we can forge together a productive place for future generations.

Our voice needs to shape the outcomes.

I will work on rebuilding the Council’s relationship with the community, reinstate true transparency and enable people to co-create a safe and sustainable region for all.

I will establish localised voluntary advisory boards in each community to provide a greater two-way communication that is driven by a supportive and collaborative environment.

4. How do you plan to tackle the North Burnett‘s financial woes?

I would love to see state funding distributed in a fair and equitable way across regional areas so that communities are provided an adequate level of services. Although, our region, and local governments in general have an ever-decreasing funding support from state, and I don’t see this changing within two years.

However, I will be YOUR representative who will work for you, who will fight to make a positive future for everyone. I will relish the fight.

Kevin Edwards

Biggenden Chamber of Commerce president and mayoral candidate Kevin Edwards. Picture
Biggenden Chamber of Commerce president and mayoral candidate Kevin Edwards. Picture

1. Why have you decided to run for North Burnett Mayor?

I have decided to run for Mayor because I believe the North Burnett needs a new direction. Our council is facing the biggest financial crisis in its history and the inaction of the Councillor mayoral candidates has exacerbated this crisis. I have worked with former Government Ministers and a former Qld Premier but never in my entire career have I witness or experienced such a gross mismanagement of government finances.

When the former Mayor resigned I saw opportunity. Opportunity for me to use myskills, my experience and to give the North Burnett a new direction. I do not take my decision to run lightly as I understand the great responsibility involved with the job but I cannot stand by and watch these Councillor candidates continue to lead our region further down the path of crisis.

Local issues need prioritisation!

2. Can you tell me a little more about your working background and political experience?

My vision and focus for the North Burnett is driven not only by my working background but also by my family, my community and of course my farm and working the land. Delving into my working and political background, I would say it is extensive and publicly known.I have worked as chief of staff and private secretary for ministers and members of parliament.

I have worked extensively with Ministers at state and federal levels and this includes senior government bureaucrats and bureaucracy. This experience led to my appointment as Queensland Industrial Relations Commissioner which I retired from in 2006. Since then I have worked as the Farm Manager on our local family properties and I am more than ready to utilise my skills and experience for the betterment of the North Burnett.

3. What are your top three priorities for the North Burnett region

My top three priorities capture and reflect what our local people want and need. It is about THEM and not me. There needs to be more attention paid to not only listening to local people but actually responding to what they want and need. I detest lip service as I am a man of my word and a man of the local people. They want more local jobs, better roads and a financially responsible council that sustains local services; rather than closing down local services. It is in all three of these areas where the council and the councillor candidates have failed.

1. The level of unemployment for locals in the North Burnett is unbelievable yet our council fails to prioritise the employment of locals over people who do not even live in our region. Council needs to stop putting Brisbane, Hervey Bay,Bundaberg workers above our locals, it’s time for council to put our locals first.

2. For many years locals have been told by that Council that North Burnett roads are getting better, there are less potholes and road upgrades are coming.During this election locals have heard the same talk from council but as per usual Council this is all talk about consultation and any improvements are subject to State Government. There is little genuine intent to make any changes.

This is why my priority is on better roads, upgrading our black spots and negotiating more funding from the State Government.

3. I have touched on this Council financial crisis extensively so I want to state the most important thing to the locals. If you want the same financial mismanagement and the empty promises then the Councillor candidates will deliver this, if you want a strong leader and a new direction then vote for Kev. I will ensure local services stay strong.

4. How do you plan to tackle the North Burnett’s financial woes?

I want to implement a new direction for our region and a word towards a better council.

As a mayor I would seek to undertake an urgent review of ALL of our finances; this would involve careful review the council’s corporate structure and careful attention to existing and needed State Government grants. With my experience with government and the administration of government policy, I am the most qualified mayoral candidate to negotiate better State grants and improved financial outcomes and stability for our community.

I shall ensure every rock is upturned and examined. Changes will reflect local need. People WILL be given voice and their voice will drive action by voting me in as Mayor.

Les Hotz

Sitting North Burnett Councillor and mayoral candidate Les Hotz.
Sitting North Burnett Councillor and mayoral candidate Les Hotz.

1. Why have you decided to run for North Burnett Mayor?

Our Region – Which is made up of six main community centres, Biggenden, Eidsvold, Gayndah, Mundubbera, Monto, and Mt Perry deserve strong leadership that will provide Communities and Individuals –


A MAYOR must be a strong LEADER with experience and sound values that is prepared to lead with INTEGRITY.

I believe, I have those qualifications.

The role of the mayor is

  • Not to be a one-man band but must take with him / her the rest of the Councillors as a team.
  • To lead a team in a business-like direction to achieve a positive outcome for the whole of the region.
  • To listen and to respond to community under sound policy, management, and governance practices.

In short, I would like to see our community prosper and move forward at a pace that we can genuinely afford.

  • I see my role supporting our primary producers by providing a safe means of transport for their goods and services that are produced in our region.
  • Support our established businesses and encourage local competition and development of trade and enterprise within our communities.
  • Focus on what has been achieved and can be produced in each local area.
  • Encourage each Councillor to work as a team and to take ownership of the role we are called to be responsible for and not to delegate our responsibility to one or two managers who have little local knowledge or interest in our communities.
  • Advocate for our Region to State and Federal Governments to secure our Regions share of Financial Government Funding for services such as: Improved roads, water, sewerage, waste management and essential infrastructure.

2. Can you tell me a little more about your working background and political experience?

Monto is my town of Birth. Raised and worked on a dairy farm/grazing property in teenage years. Schooling years were at Monto Primary school and Monto State High School.

Worked for the Postmaster General for 18 months and a further 47 years with Local Government being employed by the Monto Shire Council and the North Burnett Regional Council.

I spent 14 years as a payroll officer/cost clerk moving onto accounting, rating and finally into Senior Administration for a period of 33 years. During this time, I held the role of Chief Executive Officer with the Monto Shire Council for a period of 14 years. Then I was Director of Corporate Services with the North Burnett Regional Council 2008 to 2014.

I was elected as Councillor for Division 2 in the 2020 elections of the North Burnett Regional Council.

3. What are your top three priorities for the North Burnett region?

1. Restore confidence in the Regions Communities and Council’s workforce and develop unity within council elected members with strong encouraging leadership with integrity.

2. Have Council employ a Chief Executive Officer, who can serve, live in, and adapt to the culture of the North Burnett Region. Review Council’s Delegations to the Chief Executive Officer, to ensure Council has full understanding of Major financial decisions made and proposed by senior management, ensuring council maintain infrastructure within communities which provide facilities for a quality life for our regional citizens.

3. Adopt an appropriate budget for 2022/23 that arrests the current haemorrhage of funds and is a step towards financial sustainability for future years.

4. How do you plan to tackle the North Burnett’s financial woes?

The North Burnett will potentially run out of money as soon as 2025 or sooner if it continues its present path.


You cannot continue to expend a greater amount than you receive. It is basic, logic, common sense, and good management to know what your budget will allow you to spend and keep within it. Further, your budget must at least be balanced.

You cannot purchase major plant and leave it sit in a Council yard for looks.

You cannot even afford to work a $500,000 piece of equipment for 2-3 hours a day and think that you are going to achieve greatness.

Likewise, an organisation cannot engage a team of managers to manage managers. Our structure is currently being examined from the bottom up. We must examine our organisation from the top down.

  • To put in place for management performance-based contracts and not just to put the contract on the shelf but to examine the performance regularly.
  • Legislation is so often used as an excuse to limit the information provided to Council.


Review and DELEGATE responsibility to MANAGEMENT, which is required for sound corporate governance.

This will return decisions to the elected members and not give management absolute control of Councils budget and general decisions.


  • Major Contracts
  • Significant plant purchases
  • Significant developments in town Planning and Building.
  • It will also provide Council written reports that provide relevant information, based on legislation, policy, and local laws to enable sound decisions to be made
  • Develop a budget and spend funds that are available With Council making a collective decision, there will be no surprises for Council or community.
  • Basic common sense of spending. It is not rocket science, and not trying to provide facilities that our community cannot afford.
  • Maintain existing infrastructure that is useful to provide our people and communities a quality of life.

Susan Payne

Sitting North Burnett Councillor and mayoral candidate Susan Payne.
Sitting North Burnett Councillor and mayoral candidate Susan Payne.

1. Why have you decided to run for North Burnett Mayor?

I’ve called North Burnett home for over 36 years and I care. I care about the future of our communities and our region.

Through community encouragement I’ve stepped up to be a courageous leader & speak out to save our region. As a current Councillor, I am already abreast of current legislation, regulations, procedures, and policies so can seamlessly slide into the position of Mayor.

Time will not be wasted whilst I find my feet. I am technologically savvy with current day & consider the incoming Mayor must possess this skill to enable the North Burnett to remain front and centre.

My leadership journey has been lengthy and varied. I am confident & assertive & possess the skills to have tough conversations & move the tough motions necessary for sustainability.

My passion and commitment to community over many varied organizations and positions including all executive positions, was acknowledged with 2020 Australia Day Awards for Volunteer both Mundubbera and North Burnett.

2. Can you tell me a little more about your working background and political experience?

For the past 40 years I have worked in Banking, family grazing business including completion of financials and State Government as a Business Manager.

I am financially literate and understand financial reports. I understand the difference between our own business depreciation and the consequences assets have on depreciation within Local Government. They are vastly different & must be understood if we are to succeed.

I have actively participated in workshops, meetings, external webinars & conferences since becoming Councillor. I constantly challenge the status quo & enjoy investigating the alternatives.

Having not been an employee, I have a clear vision. My political experience has been through our industry body, Agforce, of which we have been members since inception. Privileged enough to have held position of Secretary for the Agforce Mundubbera/Eidsvold Branch.

I’ve had dealings with Ministerial Offices during the last three years with my position as Chair for the North Burnett Community Service.

3. What are your top three priorities for the North Burnett region?

a. Continue to follow our Corporate Plan through Courageous Leadership, Community Empowerment & Continuous Improvement by providing at a minimum the 4 essential services of water, waste, roads, wastewater in the most cost-efficient manner & within our financial constraints.

b. Financial Sustainability – continuation of the Service Delivery Review with community, staff & Councillors remaining positive throughout the process, working collaboratively and maintaining respect

c. Roads & Water – Advocate for continued and increased funding for both these critical infrastructures necessary as economic drivers throughout our region

4. How do you plan to tackle the North Burnett‘s financial woes?

Ensure adherence to Council Resolution 2020/50 where on 27May20 I moved to approve the Service Delivery Review (SDR) Program in accordance with the following principles:

1. Identify and demonstrate value for money in all aspects of service delivery (internal and external), supported by the concept of continuous improvement and innovation.

2. Assets will be utilised in accordance with contemporary asset management principles to achieve best outcomes to address varying needs, demands and obligations.

3. A sound organisational structure prioritises and supports optimisation of the delivery of core services.

4. Council is willing to consider withdrawing or amending selective service delivery mechanisms

(internal and external):

a) that do not align with the organisation’s Corporate Plan

b) that are clearly not a local government’s responsibility

c) where there is an effective alternate service provider or

d) which unnecessarily and/or adversely affect its financial sustainability.

5. Where potential initiatives are identified as part of the SDR program, which could result in minor change, the CEO is delegated to implement the associated initiative.

6. Where potential significant change initiatives are identified as part of the SDR program, before the implementation of the initiative and only after appropriate consultation (internal and/or external) has been undertaken, only Council may approve the change.

John Bowen

North Burnett mayoral candidate and former councillor John Bowen.
North Burnett mayoral candidate and former councillor John Bowen.

The current council has demonstrated a total disregard for the needs of our region. Open a office at the Sunshine Coast while reducing opening hours at our local offices. Job advertisements work from the Coast.

Have reduced our maintenance crews to unexceptionable level. I want a council that is working for the North Burnett not just in their own interests. I am not looking to do everything the old way just the best way.

Have called the North Burnett home for the past 52 years, construction supervisor on dam project Wivenhoe, Cania, Boondooma and Gayndah Weir.

Work for the Gayndah Shire Council for 15 years. Live near Ban Ban Springs was elected to council in 2012 to 2020.

Reduce our debt, rebuild our workforce, ensure effective service delivery to the community.

Look closely at expenditure and hiring practices I believe local government is just that Local. Our driving focus should be our area, while ensuring the safety of our community‘s and being financially responsible.

A council that listens, is transparent and must engage with the community’s of the North Burnett.

Originally published as North Burnett election: Mayoral candidates talk future of region

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