
STUPIDITY: Greedy cash grabs as nation sinks into recession

“Our lives have been wrecked, for some, beyond repair but we are insistent on making it worse.”

ECONOMIC CONTRACTION: Treasurer Josh Frydenberg points to a chart on a screen as he speaks during a media conference at Parliament House. Photo: David Gray/Getty Images
ECONOMIC CONTRACTION: Treasurer Josh Frydenberg points to a chart on a screen as he speaks during a media conference at Parliament House. Photo: David Gray/Getty Images

One never ever gets over the stupidity of sectors of the population to bury their heads, you know where, by demanding that their greed be serviced.

Here we are on the day that the country enters recession we have the Together Union boasting that the wages of 50,000 state public servants will increase by 1.75% as ordered by the States Industrial Commission.

Will someone, any one please, remind the greedy unions and others in that sector that the state's and the country's economy is in tatters and they all should be thankful that they have the security and luxury of a regular income whereas the bulk numbers of workers Australia wide do not enjoy that way of life.

Our Premier has told the public servants that their wages would be frozen however that has been overruled by the Fair Work Commission nationally ordering the increase.

Does this not make you ask who is really running the state and country.

It makes one ask will we ever recover from 2020 and covid19 and if we can how long will it take?

The Reserve Bank has shot itself in the foot by dropping interest rates to ridiculous lows, we have Commissions granting pay rises that can't be done economically in this climate.

Our lives have been wrecked, for some, beyond repair but we are insistent on making it worse.

Robert Henderson, Sharon

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