
I’ve never had it so good - well that's what the wife says

FREDERICK RANKLY: Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage goes the old song.

A marriage needs constant attention and work, says NewsMail columnist Frederick Archer. Picture: Inga Williams
A marriage needs constant attention and work, says NewsMail columnist Frederick Archer. Picture: Inga Williams

LOVE and marriage go together like a horse and carriage goes the old song.

Cynics might say that after a few years of wedded bliss love must be sort elsewhere. Rubbish.

A marriage needs constant attention and work but if a man must put up with a nag occasionally, the carriage of love will give him the only reason for living he will ever need.

In my 60s my prospective wife and I visited a wedding convention in Brisbane.

I needed a knee replacement so used a walking stick for comfort. When we entered a display we were ignored at first until probably out of boredom a sales person would approach.

"Can we help you? Is some member of your family planning a wedding?" he or she would inquire.

It was always the same, despite the large percentage of mature couples tying the knot sales people looked at us in ill-disguised disbelief. We played up to them. My lady would approach them leaving me on my cane and looking as pathetic as a really handsome man can.

The results were wonderful. Regardless of their sales pitch it was easily seen they were wondering whether I would last until any possible wedding.

Our special day was 16 years ago and I have been supremely happy ever since.

I know I have never had it so good. My wife constantly tells me so.

Sometimes younger couples come to us for advice on making a successful marriage.

Work at it, I tell the men. As long as you acknowledge you are always wrong you will be right.

A lady I know from aerobics met a man at church. They started off having a coffee together, progressed to outings and to a proposal of marriage. She has been a widow for about 15 years and in her late 60s.

Too old for romance, etc? What utter nonsense. She has bloomed and despite their eternal complaints about their husbands by her female friends her excitement is shared by all. She is a bride-to-be and we are all over joyed for her.

When I was widowed I was surprised by the number of senior single ladies who were out to enjoy themselves. Many did not want to remarry.

"Why would I take on another husband? I have my own home, car and friends and am independent. A husband would mean someone to cook for, clean up after and refer to when I wanted to go out. Now having a man friend to escort me, etc, that I would like."

In other words, love and/or companionship but no restrictive marriage.

Jokes aside, I believe everybody is entitled to love and companionship. The thing to remember is it is far too good for the young. Only we mature (read old) can really appreciate love and marriage.

Originally published as I’ve never had it so good - well that's what the wife says

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