
Queens Park masterplan open to public comment

A DRAFT masterplan for Queens Park has been completed and is now ready for public comment.

A plan has been released for public comment that looks to enhance Queens Park. Picture: Peter  Holt
A plan has been released for public comment that looks to enhance Queens Park. Picture: Peter Holt

A DRAFT masterplan for Queens Park has been completed and is now ready for public comment.

Toowoomba Regional Council's Environment, Health, Parks and Recreation spokeswoman Cr Sue Englart said the plan acknowledged the city's premier recreation precinct.

"All the recommendations in the Draft Master Plan will greatly enhance the look and ambiance of the park now and long into the future, but let me stress that Queens Park will never lose its green appeal," Cr Englart said.

"We wouldn't let it," Cr Englart said.

"Any changes that come will be with the approval of our residents who love and own this park. That's why I'm encouraging the public to have a say and let us know what you think of the plan."

Cr Englart said the masterplan aimed to "provide an overall vision and design for the park".

She said the proposal would result in aesthetic improvement as well as effective and amenable public use of the park without impacting on the sense of place, significance or heritage.

"Over the past 10 months, members of the community, council staff and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to have their say regarding what they liked, disliked and what could be improved within Queens Park," Cr Englart said.

"Now we want your feedback."

The draft masterplan is available at all Toowoomba Regional Council customer service centres across the district, and at the Toowoomba City Library, from December 3 to January 14.

A manned public display will be in Queens Park on Sunday, December 16 from 10am to 1pm, near the Lindsay St car park.

Feedback closes on January 14.

Originally published as Queens Park masterplan open to public comment

Read related topics:Tooowoomba regional council

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