
What you said about the ABC after Laura Tingle claims Australia is racist

Is it time to ditch the ABC? That question is being asked again after the latest scandal. HAVE YOUR SAY

‘Absolute nightmare for the ABC’: Laura Tingle under fire for ‘racist’ Australia comment

The future of the ABC has again been called into question after board members were forced into emergency discussions following high-profile political reporter Laura Tingle’s claims that Australia is racist.

The Coalition on Monday demanded the ABC explain Tingle’s weekend claims at the Sydney Writers’ Festival that Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is encouraging the abuse of migrants.

They also asked how the 7.30 chief political correspondent can stay impartial in the lead-up to the election due next year.

Time for a ‘complete clean out’? See how you voted below >>>

It’s understood Tingle, who is also a staff-elected board member at the ABC, has displeased some board colleagues and they have been discussing the controversy in the past 48 hours.

The Tingle situation came as the ABC was rocked by the latest controversy over its coverage of the Israel-Gaza war, with a social media post claiming that terror group Hamas had made a “show of resilience” against Israel condemned by Australia’s Jewish leaders on Monday.

At the writers’ festival event on Sunday moderated by former ABC Insiders host and Labor staffer Barrie Cassidy, Tingle told the audience: “We are a racist country, let’s face it.

“We always have been, and it’s very depressing.”

Laura Tingle says Australia is a racist country

She then aired extensive criticism of Mr Dutton including his migration, housing and nuclear policies, while also praising the government led by Anthony ­Albanese.

ABC managing director David Anderson will be questioned about Tingle’s comments at Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Thursday.

Neither Mr Williams nor the ABC would comment about the matter on Monday.

In March, Mr Williams said in a podcast: “If you don’t want to reflect a view that aspires to impartiality, don’t work at the ABC.”

The latest scandal sparked furious reaction from readers online, with about 50 per cent in an online poll voting for a ‘complete clean out’. Only 9 per cent chose to maintain the status quo with the ABC.

Some claimed it was yet another death knell for the ABC; others said it was a complete mess.

However some suggested there was nothing to see here.

See what you had to say below and join the conversation >>>


Shut down the ABC!


Let them run regional radio, play school and the cricket – so that old guy can bang on about the SCG and how it never rains there. Shut the rest of it down, saves billions.


Why is the tax payer funding the asylum that it called the ABC? Shut it down and save the $$$$s


Once upon a time everyone watched the ABC, quite the opposite during the past decade. It should be defunded


Why isn’t abc pay per view

Another Cunning Linguist

Time to drain the swamp.


cut all funds to the ABC.

This spells trouble


Of course Australia is racist, not all Australians, but many. This is so obvious it’s hardly a debate at all.


I very rarely tune into the ABC due to it’s obvious bias towards the ALP & the Greens. What frustrates me is my tax paying dollars is helping to fund this organisation & it’s not being held to account.


We do need a national broadcaster for emergencies and for areas not commercially viable. But not a biased left wing one. I think it should be run by the military. They would be impartial, efficient.


I believe the saddest side effect of Laura Tingle’s spewing this out is it will reinforce calls for defunding the ABC. The ABC is much much more than a megaphone for the ALP government & Left / Woke opinions. They, to their credit do a great job in areas such as early childhood learning & the like. Their biased political views shouldn’t be a reason to destroy the many good people they have employed


Surely this is the final straw as far the taxpayer funded ABC is concerned. How many chances do they get to prove to everyone that they are totally pro Left on virtually everything. What does Mr Dutton intend to do about this outfit when (fingers crossed) he’s elected PM?

ABC star Laura Tingle is actively 'campaigning' against Peter Dutton

What a mess


This is the longest of a long bows from Ms Tingle! I heard Peter Dutton’s speech and don’t recall him saying or even intimating “ … everything that is going wrong in this country is because of migrants”.

Pending pending deleted

Put Peta Credlin on the couch with her! We might then get some reality happening and might then be worth tuning into!

V of R

Watched Q&A, last night. It’s becoming wackier.

Perfect Pete

I don’t agree with the call to defund the ABC. What I would like to see is a broom swept through the place and get some balance in the place. As the ABC is supposedly to represent all Australians it needs some right of centre commentary to counter the blatant left commentary.


embarrassing … not as embarrassing as what they do for the new years coverage. but its up there


Sackable offence in any other organisation other than Labour’s unofficial voice to Australia, the ABC

Originally published as What you said about the ABC after Laura Tingle claims Australia is racist

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