
What you said about Robert Irwin threatening to sue One Nation over video

Should Robert Irwin “lighten up”, or One Nation stand down? The battlelines have been drawn. HAVE YOUR SAY

Robert Irwin threatens to sue One Nation over video

Even the Premier has weighed in amid appeals for peace talks ... so should Robert Irwin “lighten up”, or One Nation stand down?

Those are the two sides of the argument – 66 per cent of about 3000 online readers voted the ad “funny” – following Irwin’s threat to sue the political party over a scathing video that slams the state government.

The YouTube video, part of Senator Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain series, was posted on Friday and features cartoon versions of Irwin and Bluey.

But One Nation sensationally told Irwin to “lighten up” and refused to take down the video, though they appealed for peace talks in the coming days.

The two-minute video titled The State of Queensland uses Irwin to criticise the state government over the hospital system, roads, transport, sustainable energy, the housing crisis and youth crime.

An animated Robert Irwin and Queensland Premier Steven Miles in a One Nation video that Irwin says is defamatory.
An animated Robert Irwin and Queensland Premier Steven Miles in a One Nation video that Irwin says is defamatory.

It comes two weeks after the government unveiled both Bluey and Irwin as faces of its new tourism campaign.

A legal letter Irwin’s lawyers sent to the party’s video studio, Stepmates Studios, threatened to sue them for defamation.

“We are writing to inform you that your actions constitute defamation and involve the unauthorised and deceptive use of our client’s image,” Zoe Naylor of FC Lawyers wrote.

But One Nation is standing its ground, with chief of staff and candidate for Keppel James Ashby telling Irwin to “lighten up”.

“Your dad knew how to take a joke,” he said.

Premier Steven Miles also took aim at One Nation, claiming the publicity was exactly what they were after.

In the video, an animated Irwin tries to show Bluey all the positive things in Queensland, but they are met with problems along the way.

The video has been shared more than 1000 times on Senator Hanson’s Facebook page, and been viewed 50,000 times YouTube and 36,000 times on Facebook.

Irwin’s lawyers demanded the video be taken down across all sites and not use his image in future without written consent.

They threatened to take action in the Federal Court of Australia if their demands aren’t met by Monday afternoon.

One Nation is refusing to take the video down or meet any of the demands in the letter.

It’s understood the party was seeking its own legal advice on the matter.

Irwin was contacted for comment.

Readers were quick to weigh in – some claiming Irwin needed to move on; others insisting there’s a fine line. While some claimed there are bigger issues.

See what you had to say and join the conversation >>>

Robert Irwin.
Robert Irwin.
Pauline Hanson.
Pauline Hanson.


Flirting with danger


Robert Irwin isn’t One Nation’s only problem, they may have have bitten off more than they can chew when the creators and broadcasters who have exclusive rights to Bluey come knocking.


So many commenting here need to stop and have a look at themselves. How many would be happy for their character to be used without permission. This whole story is the lack of permission being sought, not whether it is funny or not. Just ask yourself if the same were done to you would you still see the funny side.


I just think Hanson believes she can say what-she likes with no consequences the world has two others in the same category Trump and Palmer but Hanson doesn’t have their resources


I hope Robert Irwin Sues One Nation, using anyone image and identity in that way is defamatory, everyone has a right to their own image and opinions.


Hanson and Ashby telling Bob Irwin to “lighten up” doesn’t cut it. Rather than the professional fringe politician trying to lecture him in defamation law maybe she might want to study up a bit before speaking or even better, get some good advice.

The purpose of the cartoon series is clearly not light hearted entertainment, it is political commentary. A reasonable person would presume that, and that is the test that a court would use.


I think it is funny and I had a good laugh. But Hanson and Ashby know they should have got permission from the Bluey franchise and Robert Irwin first.

I’m Left, but I’m Always Right.

Meanwhile there’s a tourism ad with Bluey that would bring $billions into the economy, yet they could now have jeopardised the impact that it would make. Downright childish. I hope they hit ON’s hip pocket as much as possible.


I, and I am sure many others, are offended by the amount of taxpayers money that has been given to the Irwins to fund many of their ventures, that go to making them more money. How about I sue the Irwins and the government because of my hurt feelings.


Maybe the holders of the Bluey patent might have something to say about unauthorised use in a cartoon.

Robert Irwin and Bluey as they appear in the One Nation video. Irwin says the video is defamatory.
Robert Irwin and Bluey as they appear in the One Nation video. Irwin says the video is defamatory.

Who cares


tea cup, storm


All about keeping your face in the public arena. Just more useless stuff that’s got nothing to do with anything. Self promotion all round?


Labor are just jealous they can’t come up with anything this clever.

All Bob does in the cartoon is point out the truthful, sad state of affairs in Queensland. Unlike the tourism ad which tries to portray Queensland as something it is not.


Have seen the video and don’t see the problem, seems to me it does a good job highlighting the issues. Bring on the election I say.


Whilst Robert and Bart can have a pity party the rest of us are laughing

Courier-Mail cartoonist Brett Lethbridge's take on the Robert Irwin, One Nation stoush.
Courier-Mail cartoonist Brett Lethbridge's take on the Robert Irwin, One Nation stoush.

Lighten up, Robert


Best to laugh it off and let this one go Robert. You aren’t going to come out of it well if you go to court.


Can lampoon anyone. Mr Irwin thinks he is someone special. He’s not.


I am sure Robert’s Dad would have seen the funny side of the cartoon as he was quite often lampooned in the media without yelling LAWYERS. If Robert wants to swan around in stupid shows like “I’m a celebrity “ and others of the same ilk he needs to grow up and accept all that comes with it.


I’m definitely NOT a Pauline Hanson supporter & I’m understanding of the family interactions of the Irwin family, BUT, Australian humour is often biting satire as indicated by such luminaries as Barry Humphries


I can only agree. That cartoon is the funniest thing I have seen in a while whilst also cleverly pointing out the shortfalls of the state of Queensland at the moment


Racist??? Where is that hidden in the narrative. Please explain!,

Originally published as What you said about Robert Irwin threatening to sue One Nation over video

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