
What you said about calls for Brisbane Olympic Games stadium

Many Queenslanders seem to have accepted the fact the Olympic Games are coming in 2032 – what they look like, however, remains topic of furious debate. HAVE YOUR SAY

SEQ's Olympic Games promotional video

Many Queenslanders seem to have accepted the fact the Olympic Games are coming in 2032 – whether they like it or not.

What they look like, however, remains topic of furious debate after Brisbane 2032 chief executive Cindy Hook urged concerned residents to “speak up” and demand an Olympic Games stadium a growing city needs.

In striking comments tipped to reignite debate about the lack of a major sporting legacy for the city from the 2032 event, Ms Hook used a QUT Business Leaders’ Forum on Wednesday to call for people to make their views known to Premier Steven Miles.

“If you think Brisbane is a growing city that needs a new stadium I encourage you might want to speak up on that,” she said.

Her response drew significant applause from the hundreds of guests.

The same could not be said for readers online.

Many were quick to again call for the Games to be scrapped.

Others said it’s time to move forward – with majority in a poll voting building a stadium is a high priority.

See what you had to say below and join the conversation >>>


Cancel the Games


Speak up and pull out of the games no one wants, more like it.


What doesn’t she & the get that the majority of Queenslanders don’t want the games? Apparently all of it. We don’t as a majority want the Olympics. Cancel them.

Reject Ed

Speak up? Okay. Forget we ever asked for the games. Give them to PNG and $600,000,000.


get back under that rock – QLDers say NO to the Olympics!

Time for serious questions


Nobody should have been appointed to this role until after the election. The election should also include a referendum – do Queenslanders want to host the Olympics.


Speak up and demand a new stadium?? … since when has government done what the people have asked for!!!


Queenslanders were never asked if we supported theses games, nor did the government appear to do any analysis as to the costs or how this event would progress.


I don’t want the Games. But we’re going to have them. But the problem so far is that Queensland Labor’s organing committee has spent three years doing, well, not much organising.


When will these self-centred people concede that the majority of Queenslanders do not want the Olympic Games?

A scene from the new Brisbane 2032 promotional video
A scene from the new Brisbane 2032 promotional video

What a mess


A bit rich to say “speak up” when the only opinions they will listen to are those that align with what they want to hear. Have the courage of your convictions and put it to a vote. Add a question to the election ballots about whether or not we want the Olympics at all


You also have to fight for your right for the government not to send itself into even more debt that you have to pay off


I would rather spend the coin on the Bruce Highway and other things like freeing up red tape to build!


So Cindy Hook has never attended a games before??? How did she get the job without any direct knowledge of what a great Olympics looks like?

another Labor stuff up

Chris C

The cost of the new stadium was going to be less than what is going to be paid out to everyone as an electricity subsidy.

Originally published as What you said about calls for Brisbane Olympic Games stadium

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