
Region remains open for business

BLOG: Mayor Paul Antonio announced early in his first term that Toowoomba was "open for business". Six months later that remains the case.

Mayor Paul Antonio. Picture: Toowoomba Regional Council
Mayor Paul Antonio. Picture: Toowoomba Regional Council

BLOG: Very early after my election I coined the phrase "Toowoomba is open for business", and indeed it is.

The current level of investment interest shown in our region is unprecedented.

Mayor Paul Antonio. Picture: Toowoomba Regional Council
Mayor Paul Antonio. Picture: Toowoomba Regional Council

Our already strong and diversified economy, complemented by the opportunities presented by the Surat Basin to our west, are remarkable.

In fact, I really believe that the Toowoomba region has the potential to become a real powerhouse of the Queensland economy.

We are working hard as a council to ensure we don't make it difficult for investors to be here.

I want to make sure that this message is permeated in all we do.

We must position ourselves as the go-to destination for big business, but ensure that the quality of life for residents is not affected.  The key is balance.

We have much to offer those who want to live here to take up the opportunities presented by our proximity to the rich agricultural lands across the Darling Downs, Lockyer Valley and northern NSW, as well as the ever-expanding energy sector to in the Surat Basin. 

Our wonderful education facilities, with leading primary, secondary, tertiary and skills based learning; our strong medical facilities; and our wonderful lifestyle are all shining jewels in this region's crown.

The future of this great place we call home, is very bright.

Originally published as Region remains open for business

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