

Why rates limbo might soon end

Why rates limbo might soon end

Dismal retail sales data would usually lead to widespread speculation of an interest rate cut at the mid-June meeting. But not this time. Here’s why.

Editor’s view: Migration isn’t the issue, planning is

Editor’s view: Migration isn’t the issue, planning is

Steven Miles this month called on federal Labor to cut immigration levels, saying they were partly responsible for the housing crisis and traffic jams, as if he was surprised by Queensland’s current population. He shouldn’t be, writes the editor.

Albanese must stand up to Beijing bullies

Albanese must stand up to Beijing bullies

News of a bizarre, bullying email sent to MPs who dared to attend a gala dinner celebrating the inauguration of Taiwan’s new president highlights Australia’s dysfunctional relationship with China, writes James Morrow.

Australia threatened by an anti-Jewish hate

Australia threatened by an anti-Jewish hate

We as decent Australians have an obvious choice: to live cravenly beneath a malevolent cloud of revived and revolting anti-Semitism, or to continue standing tall and proud with our Jewish fellow citizens.

Cynical fares trial a chance for change

Cynical fares trial a chance for change

At first glance, the state government’s 50c flat public transport fare looks little more than a desperate grab – but we urge everyone to make the most of this opportunity, writes the editor.

Will Aussies still need Albo when he turns 64?

Will Aussies still need Albo when he turns 64?

Anthony Albanese will be 62 at the next election, 65 at the one after that. At some point in the next year, Albo is going to have to answer the question of what he’s going to do when he turns 64, writes James Campbell.

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