

Covid TV wars: Joe Hildebrand on what Gladys gets right

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has taken the opposite approach to her fellow state premiers when it comes to Covid briefings, writes Joe Hildebrand.

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In our household there is only one TV show that is really compulsory viewing – indeed, given the current state of lockdown it is literally compulsory viewing – and that is the daily Covid briefing given by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

If the last year and a half has taught us anything about television it’s that there’s nothing better for viewing figures than a captive audience and you don’t get much more captive than people forced to physically remain in their homes.

Combine this with a daily live TV show whose sole premise is informing that audience when they might finally be allowed out and you can bet your bippy you’ve got a rolled-gold ratings hit on your hands.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian speaks at the daily COVID-19 update. Picture: Getty Images
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian speaks at the daily COVID-19 update. Picture: Getty Images

This isn’t exactly rocket science but what is interesting is the different styles the various premiers use to warn, wrangle and reassure their restive citizens.

In Victoria, for example, Premier Daniel Andrews was famous for looking like he’d just rappled down Mt Everest in his North Face jacket. This is the tough guy/action man approach in which the virus is painted as an actual “beast” which our steel-jawed, valiant hero will not rest until he slays.

It’s all a tad melodramatic – indeed some of the commentary sounds like the script of Godzilla vs Kong – but it works. Even today Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton looks like he hasn’t slept a wink since last April.

In NSW, however, the approach has been the opposite. Gladys miraculously materialises at the very stroke of 11am in her immaculately pressed jacket and recites the daily caseload from beneath her immaculately coiffed hair.

And so when she appeared a couple of weekends ago with a few strands out of place everyone knew we were in trouble.

If she ever rocks up with a button missing we’ll know we’re all going to die.

Meanwhile, in Queensland the approach is to actually tell under-40s they’re going to die – although apparently only if they have the AstraZeneca vaccine.

They really do do things differently up there.

Joe Hildebrand is on 2GB Nights with John Stanley on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm

Originally published as Covid TV wars: Joe Hildebrand on what Gladys gets right

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