

Residents and businesses opposed to Northern Bikeway trolled by cyclists

Some in Brisbane’s lycra brigade thinks it’s acceptable to bully local businesses and residents who criticise bikeways. They need to accept that not everyone subscribes to their view of a cycle utopia.

Road safety week

It’s a sport epitomised by the Tour de France with its ideals of courage and integrity.

But the behaviour of some in Brisbane’s cycling community over the Northern Bikeway project at Wooloowin would seem to run counter to those ideals with trolling and bullying of local businesses and residents who have voiced legitimate opposition to the project.

Several cyclists took to social media to call for a boycott of a local business because they voiced entirely reasonable concerns about the bikeway going past their establishment.

Residents who voiced concern about the Dickson St leg of the bikeway taking away on-street parking also were disrespected.

Let’s be clear no one is suggesting bikeways should not be built in the city where appropriate. They at least get bikes off busy, and narrow, streets.

But this particular section of the $100 million bikeway project was pushed ahead by the State Government over the opposition of the Brisbane City Council, which has expressed concern about the loss of more than 60 car spaces in the area.

Wetwang, Bridlington, East Yorkshire England - April 18, 2015: Cyclists and support vehicles taking part in the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race entering the village of Wetwang. cycling, Lycra, generic
Wetwang, Bridlington, East Yorkshire England - April 18, 2015: Cyclists and support vehicles taking part in the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race entering the village of Wetwang. cycling, Lycra, generic

The criticism was not about the concept of a bikeway so much as the route it has taken. Given the government owns all the land on the opposite side of Dickson St, constructing the bikeway down the westeren side of Dickson St seems to be the worst outcome.

Cyclists should be congratulated for the dedication to their sport. Many toil away in office cubicles in mundane jobs as legal eagles and accountants all day. Pulling on the lycra and going for a ride is probably the highlight of their day - indeed their lives.

But the lycra is not some sort of clerical robe that gives cyclists the right to preach, indeed hector in a quasi religious way, those who don’t subscribe to the view of a cyclist heaven where cars are banned and everyone gets about on a $15,000 Speedmax.

Brisbane is not Europe where well-planned and wide streets are perfect for dedicated cycleways. Many streets in Brisbane have not progressed much beyond the goat tracks they were originally designed to be. They are not designed for five-star velodromes.

The community pushback at Wooloowin underscores that bikeways should not be built wily nily without regards to the rights of others in the community.

Originally published as Residents and businesses opposed to Northern Bikeway trolled by cyclists

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