
Andrew Bolt: As Chris Bowen’s catastrophic failures keep piling up, I’ll keep pointing them out

Last week proved I live rent-free in Chris Bowen’s head. Instead of thinking of ways to fix what he’s broken, he keeps obsessing about me instead.

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Last week proved I live rent-free in Chris Bowen’s head. Actually, that’s not quite right: our Energy Minister is actually charging me and every Australian a fortune.

See what he’s making us pay for electricity, just for a start.

Bowen last year told a lie about me: “Like most Australians, I usually ignore Andrew Bolt.”

Far from ignoring me, Bowen last December called for me to be sacked for being “racist”, after I’d ridiculed his demand for “profound respect for those people who have cared for our respective lands for millennia – Indigenous people across the world”.

Last week proved I live rent-free in Chris Bowen’s head. Picture: Martin Ollman
Last week proved I live rent-free in Chris Bowen’s head. Picture: Martin Ollman

I’d asked whether this anti-science fool wanted us to respect the “Indigenous knowledge” of Celts from Britain, Saxons from Germany, Gauls from France or Romans from central Italy, or just the “Indigenous knowledge” of people who aren’t white?

This was just kowtowing to the primitive, when so many peoples – especially in Europe – had wisely abandoned their “Indigenous knowledge” and used reason and science instead to live without dying early and poor.

Bowen, exposed as a fool, seems to have been praying for my disappearance ever since, as his catastrophic failures kept piling up – and I kept pointing them out.

It’s not just that he promised to cut our power bills by $275, only to preside over massive increases. He’s also killing off our last coal-fired power stations when we have nothing reliable with which to replace them.

Bowen instead throws billions of dollars at mad-cap schemes to power our economy by making green hydrogen from water, even though this pipedream’s biggest spruiker, billionaire Andrew Forrest, this month dropped most of his own planned investments, admitting green hydrogen isn’t economic.

And last week came the government’s most arrogant decision yet: to not just ban any development now of the massive uranium deposit at Jabiluka, but also stop any future and wiser government from letting it be mined, by turning it into a national park with Aboriginal control.

The Ranger uranium mine in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory.
The Ranger uranium mine in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory.

This is a superstitious government forcing future governments to be just as brainless, and ban the use or even export of this uranium to make reliable, zero-emissions nuclear power.

But Bowen is typically so stupid or dishonest that he confuses criticisms of his useless schemes with denying what’s plainly true – that the climate indeed changes.

Two weeks ago, he sneered: “Full-on, open climate change denial is now less fashionable than it was 10 or 15 years ago … Andrew Bolt still does it, but most other people don’t.”

In fact, many Australians are now waking up to Bowen’s botched climate plans, realising as I do that they cause huge pain yet couldn’t stop Bowen’s “climate crisis”, even if there was one.

But Bowen, instead of thinking of ways to fix what he’s broken, keeps obsessing about me instead.

Last week he was at it again, salivating over something I’d said on Sky News – that James Murdoch was a global warming zealot who’d ruin Fox Corp and News Corp if he were allowed to take them over from his brother Lachlan, and I’d quit rather than do his bidding.

Bowen, delighted, jeered: “How would we cope?”

The answer, of course, is Bowen would be as happy as a thief who’s seen the street lights go out.

Albanese should have got rid of Bowen in the reshuffle. Picture: Martin Ollman
Albanese should have got rid of Bowen in the reshuffle. Picture: Martin Ollman

It’s actually he who should go, which is why Prime Minister Anthony Albanese let down his government and the country on Sunday with his timid reshuffle of his Ministry.

Out are two retiring ministers, including Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney, who was grossly incompetent in selling a divisive plan for the Voice, kind of Aboriginal-only advisory parliament.

But why didn’t Albanese also get rid of Bowen, who’s now destroying his third Labor leader?

Bowen helped to kill off the Gillard Labor Government by being such a hopeless immigration minister that he let 24,000 boat people sail in illegally, while insisting that turning back the boats – the Liberal plan that later worked – would be “dangerous” and “reckless”.

Bowen then helped kill Bill Shorten’s campaign to become prime minister by being such a hopeless shadow treasurer that he promised to cut back negative gearing and franking credits, telling critics: “If you don’t like our policies, don’t vote for us”. Voters took his advice.

Now Bowen is once again pushing dumb policies with such arrogant conviction that he now tells critics they should quit or be fired, even as his climate schemes crumble around our ears.

Chris, that voice in your head – it’s not really me. It’s you, your own inner voice, whispering: “My God, what have I done?”

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: As Chris Bowen’s catastrophic failures keep piling up, I’ll keep pointing them out

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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