
A Joe Biden US presidential candidacy means a Donald Trump win and the death of democracy | Peter Goers

Joe Biden is like an elderly parent you know you should take the car keys away from, Peter Goers says. If he doesn’t tap out of the race, democracy as we know it is at risk.

Kamala Harris is the ‘obvious secondary’ to Joe Biden

Are we living in the end times of democracy? Even the Pope (who leads a theocracy) thinks democracy is challenged.

Donald Trump wants to subvert democracy and, so far, his path back to the White House is paved with gold.

So, the US, the most powerful nation on earth and once (but not always) a bastion of democracy, can only produce and promote to the highest office in the world two old, white men.

One is a vulgar, late septuagenarian liar, blowhard, demagogue, bad loser whom the Supreme Court he stacked has given him immunity to be the only American citizen above the laws he swore to protect.

The other candidate is a decent, octogenarian dodderer whose lack of physical stamina and mental acuity have been noticeably declining for his entire presidency. No-one would seriously elect Joe Biden to even run a bowls club.

US President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections last month. Picture: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP
US President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections last month. Picture: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP

Either Biden goes (with honour) or he will hand the presidency to Trump at the November election. I’m not being ageist.

I love, cherish and revere the elderly (except for some silly old buggers) and I’ve known centenarians who are chipper, spry and on the ball. Biden ain’t.

He seems much older and more senescent than his age of 81. He’ll be 82 in November and 86 if he finishes his second term.

Biden must not stand again, and the poor old thing can barely stand at all.

This is the moment when, sadly, you have to take the car keys away from dad or grandpa.

He might still be able to drive to the local shops but family members worry about what danger dad or grandpa puts other people in on the roads.

Biden imperils democracy and the world if he stands again out of ego.

His candidacy could elect Trump who could easily become a dictator. Dictators are above the law. Trump is already above the law.

The prospect of a Donald Trump presidency is frightening, Goers says. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP
The prospect of a Donald Trump presidency is frightening, Goers says. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP

We get the politicians we deserve. Americans are stupid enough to be continually conned by Trump.

Those same Americans believe in gun ownership and are inured to constant massacres by gun owners and they believe that old, white men should control women’s bodies and most Americans rejoice in, rather than deplore, Trump’s demeaning attitude to women.

Trump was prescient when he claimed he could kill people in the street and people would still vote for him.

Why can’t a once great nation of 333.3 million souls find two younger and more qualified candidates? Is there no-one else?

All empires die and we are witnessing the slow demise of the American empire and US democracy. But is the US a democracy when its judicial appointments are political?

Controlling the Supreme Court means Trump can do what he likes.

He is the man who would be king. But the voters are to blame. And the system of voluntary voting is to blame.

With compulsory voting, Trump would never have been elected and, in the UK, Brexit would never have happened.

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But is it democratic to compel people to vote? Australia is edging closer to voluntary voting with millions of Australians preferring to pay a tiny fine for not voting. This imperils our democracy.

Trump lies and convinces others of those lies. Any disagreement is “fake news”.

For Trump, the media he can’t control is always to blame. Dictators hate the media and silence it.

Biden’s failing candidacy will hand Trump the brass ring. There have been many criminal American presidents but only Trump is a convicted criminal. He’ll be voted in, pardon himself and his cabal of crooks.

The Democratic and Republican parties are to blame. The Democrats must move against poor old Biden.

Republicans who ran for their lives when the Capitol was under the Trump-led violent insurrection now claim it was the work of “a few tourists”.

If the Democrats want Biden, they deserve to get Trump.

But we, the people of the world, and all gun-loving Americans in their dying democracy, surely, deserve better. Thoughts and prayers.

Originally published as A Joe Biden US presidential candidacy means a Donald Trump win and the death of democracy | Peter Goers

Peter Goers
Peter GoersColumnist

Peter Goers has been a mainstay of the South Australian arts and media scene for decades. He is the host of The Evening Show on ABC Radio Adelaide and has been a Sunday Mail columnist since 1991.

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