
Easter message from Bishop Robert McGuckin

THE Catholic Bishop of the Toowoomba Diocese, Bishop Robert McGuckin, has released his Easter message.

Bishop Robert McGuckin. Picture: Photo Contributed
Bishop Robert McGuckin. Picture: Photo Contributed

At the beginning of Lent, I commented: "What a start to the year!" Tragedies with families devastated through the actions of others, bushfires, drought and coronavirus, which we now call COVID-19.

Many have commented that we are in uncharted waters. Federal and State laws have been enacted limiting the movement of peoples and even restricting the celebration of Mass, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

Health Authorities remind us of the necessity for these restrictions so that lives may be saved and the Pandemic overcome.

In these times may we truly be faith-filled and hope-filled people.

Because of the many necessary restrictions placed upon us at this time, you will not have been able to be personally present in our Cathedral or our Parish Churches to celebrate Palm Sunday and the Ceremonies of Holy Week and especially the wonderful celebration of the Easter Vigil.

Hopefully we are united in Spirit and participating as fully as possible in prayer and/or via modern media as we journey with Jesus through his Passion, Death and Glorious Resurrection on Easter Day.

We should remember that we are an Easter people. May the light of Christ shine brightly in each of us.

We pray for those who are anxious, suffering or grieving. We especially pray for protection for those who care for the sick.

Pope Francis urges us to reflect on the healing waters of our baptism, through which we find salvation and have new life in the Risen Christ.

Each of us has unique treasures and opportunities to give witness to the Risen Lord. Bring out that treasure! In the course of a day, or a week, we find ourselves engaging with different people and groups, at present, if not face-to-face, then by via modern technology.

With the Grace of God, may we find opportunities to share the joyous message of Jesus' Resurrection.

May we respond generously and share the love and the gifts that we have received. We should do this without asking about the cost or seeking to receive something ourselves in return.

I wish you every blessing in this season of light and hope.

May the light of the risen Christ shine brightly in each of us so that others may see that Christ is truly Risen!

Rejoice and be glad for the Lord is Risen! He is indeed Risen!

May we remain in, and grow in the love of the Risen Lord and may that be seen by our care for each other.

Originally published as Easter message from Bishop Robert McGuckin

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